Friday, November 11, 2011

Be Immortal, See Immortal? (movie)

Being immortal can be what? Amazing, boring, mind altering, sad, those are some the themes movies have tried to pass on to movie goers for decades. Highlander jumps to mind. Who wouldn't want to have no rival and have one be their equal. That Queen song is still awesome to this day, Princes of the Universe on iTunes is worth a dollar. But how does anyone really be Immortal, through memories.

That's the theme of Immortals out in theaters today. King Hyperion wants to find the Epirus Bow to unleash the Titans so they can destroy the Olympians. And hopefully each other. Than with the bow he'll conquer the world (Greece) and have so many babies that the world (Greece) will be one inbred group of little Hyperions long after he is dead. Theseus on the other hand wants to cut wood and protect his mom. So what happens when these two massive egos clash in epic battle for an hour and thirty minutes. It's better than Clash of the Titans that's for sure. The rest is passable.

It's not a memorable film like Highlander. Connor McCloud was a likable if dull character. Theseus is a supremely skilled warrior who only wants to use his skills for family. The Kurgan was the absolute evil of man made flesh. King Hyperion is pure badass with an actual agenda that's believable. One is bad for bads sake, the other is out to make the world pay for his lose. Of course there's a girl involved, but Immortals wins that hands down because of one pair of buttcheeks. In the end the person who wins and becomes immortal does so by the deeds they do. And that is worth watching, in 2D NOT 3D. I heard this movie was made in 3D. But you only really see it one fire whip scene, which is actually pretty cool. Yes, it's worth seeing even a DVD buy later. But truly immortal like Highlander, 300,.or Spartacus maybe someday.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 The Review.

There are two things in gaming that I am undoubtedly thankful for and that is the first Halo game that came out in 2001 and Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Both these games changed the face of the first person shooter. fast forward 10 years and the lovely company behind Modern Warfare is at it again with their third installment.  

Modern Warfare 3 takes place right after the second games end. The world is at war and the US is doing everything it can to turn the tide against the Russians. The game starts with you playing as a Delta Team member named Frost he is part of a team called Medal. Your Helicopter has crashed in downtown Manhattan and you have to make your way to the NYC stock exchange to disable a Jamming device.

The game is incredible the graphics are still what I think are the base for any first person shooter. The sounds for the guns and the explosions are still ground breaking and will leave anyone with a headset that plays sounds lowering their volume bars.

 But lets get to what really matters the Multiplayer and the spec ops.  First Spec Ops you now have two modes to choose from survival and missions. Survival is a version of Zombies or horde where you can buy weapons and upgrades for every wave that you survive. While missions is where you again have to play small (obviously missions lol) and earn stars that will lead to you earning some achievements.

The award winning multiplayer is back again. And she has brought some new modes the two modes are called Team defender and Kill confirmed. Kill confirmed is played like and Team Death Match game but you have to collect Dog Tags to make sure that the kill counts towards the team score And you can pick up fallen teammates tags so that the kill wont count towards the other teams score. I honestly dont like this mode because I hate hearing a voice constantly say Kill Confirmed. Team Defender is played like a mix of CTF and Domination but it is constantly on the move. The game starts out with the first blooded dropping a flag and Any team who grabs said flag will constantly earn points that will add to their team score.

After these to new modes everything else is still the same with the exception of the way you get and keep your guns and the way your Killstreaks are setup. In MW3 you now can level up your guns. Weird I know but with each level you get certain extras for the gun such as silencers or grenade launchers and things like that. Killstreaks are put into 3 categories Assault, Support,and Specialist. Assault is all perks for the player who can keep a giant killcount without dying while Support is the killstreaks for a player that like to play casually and help his team out all the while leaving specialist to earn every perk in the game for every 2 kills he gets so for instance for 2 kils you get 3 perks for 4 3 more and for 6 the last 3 until you die that is.

All in all Modern Warfare 3 is a great sequel to one of the greatest games every created and I am ex-tactic to say that this game is totally worth it in every single way there even if you only buy this game to play it offline you will spend hours upon hours playing the Spec Ops modes to see how far you can get.

Stay tuned for our review of Metal Gear Solid the HD Collection and a a special unboxing of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3's Hardened Edition.

Until Next Time Geeks...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I miss Nintendo

So it's gaming season again. New, must play games are coming out quick. From Resistence 3, to Batman, Battlefield 3, Uncharted 3. And of course the monster Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Even remakes like Ico/Shadows of the Colossus and Metal Gear Solid Collection will be in game platforms across the board. Yet what does Nintendo offer, the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Now I LOVE THE LEGEND OF ZELDA. It's just the most wonderful gaming experience that you can have when a new one comes out. So for that week Assasins Creed, MW3, Batman, Uncharted all take a break. The Wii gets cleaned to get the thick dust off and the WiiMote gets new batteries. The game is on and I stop thinking about my life and live this game. So what do I do after I'm done.

There is nothing else I want to play for the Wii afterward. After Mario World (SNES) my Mario fix was done. I'm still playing Mario Galaxy 1 and haven't touched Galaxy 2. So whats my next Nintendo must play game? Professor Layton! I played the first one but so what. Where's my challenge? Zelda is awesome, it's a great story which has elements from a Michael Moorcock book about the Eternal Champion. Look it up. I know this Zelda will blow people away but after that the Wii goes off. So what happened too Nintendo.

There was a time when Nintendo meant games. There was a picture of an NES in the dictionary to show this synthesis of one to another. Keep in mind the Nintendo Wii is the most successful console of this generation outselling both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. The gap is at least 20 million units worldwide. But for most gamers the Wii is the third even fourth option when deciding what to play. I'll play solitaire on my Ipad before I play the Wii. So where did they go wrong?

Lets see was it the Nintendo 64, the Gamecube, or one of the handhelds. I used to get blisters on my thumb playing the Super Nintendo. The doctors at hospitals cam up with the term, "Push button finger ache", from so many kids coming into a hospital with blisters on thumbs. Look at Attack of the Show, in the Game Break logo. Thats a SNES controller between those broken thumbs as far as I'm concerned. Yes I know it's actually a Sega Saturn controller, but the SNES was the one where those thumbs started cracking. I miss that about Nintendo. The must play even if I can't play. Yes I did the index finger playing with Street Fighter 2 Turbo for the SNES. That was a long week before my thumb healed.

Some people say no online play is the issue. I don't believe that. A friend of mine asked me to talk to and investor friend of hers back in 2006. Just before the Wii came out. I told him that when Nintendo has the lead in any console generation they are never overtaken in terms of units sold. That still holds true today. But I didn't think that meant that Nintendo would be beaten in the must play department.

I don't care for the WiiU. Fuck that thing. If it's gonna be a $300 dust magnet I don't want it. I want something to turn on a go kick ass on. And sometimes do that with friends, not friend codes. Until than I don't need a 3DS my original DS works just fine. The WiiMot will stay behind the PS3 and 360 controllers. And Zelda will be on top of my Nintendo games pile until another Nintendo game worth my time comes out. I miss Nintendo, but this isn't the Nintendo that is gonna change my mind. WiiU more like WiiFU.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception.

Back in 2007 a demo appeared in the PSN store. The PS3 was still new and everyone was talking about how the system could not succeed especially since Halo 3 was just released and sales for the Xbox 360 were off the charts.  But then in November a couple of months after the release of Halo 3 came Uncharted Drake's Fortune. This game was such a sleeper hit that even I bought into it and my god was it amazing.  It was the first time that I was speechless at the graphics of a game.

 Fast forward 4 years and after a sequel in 2009 comes the last in the trilogy Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception. It doesn't say how long it takes place after the second game but in this sequel Drake and his crew are yet again thrust into a treasure hunt but this time it is for the Hidden Treasure of Francis Drake the person that Nathaniel Drake claims to be a descendant of.

I have been playing this game for about 4 hours and from what I have seen and done in this game I have to say get it.  The graphics are on par with the other games that have taken many game of the year awards. The story is yet again compelling and easy to get lost into many will say it isnt but what uncharted game hasnt been completely enthralling.

The multiplayer has been redesigned and consists of new modes I have not been able to play them yet but please stay tuned for the complete multiplayer review. Co-op makes its way to the game again and unlike the campaign it is not as long but since it is broken up into several levels you get the illusion that it is longer. if yo have time to play the game I have to say that this is an easy platinum trophy and it is a great buy if you are waiting for MW3 like I am I say rent this and beat it before that and Skyrim comes out..

Stay tuned next week for reviews off the Metal Gear Solid the Hd collection and the most anticipated game of the year Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3..

Until Next Time Geeks..  

And Here it Is

The debut trailer to the fifth or what ever number installment it is I have honestly lost count. To the Grand Theft Auto Series. at NYCC..

I know it has been a long time coming but trust me it is so worth the wait. NYCC was roughly 3 weeks ago but my writers and I here at EGFG are still buzzing about it and trust me when I say buzzing I mean jumping up and down at what is to come during the 2012 subscription year with the collector site

First I want to start with what is to come with the Masters of the Universe Classics line.

First a sign that NYCC is starting to become a giant convention that is worth mentioning along the lines of SDCC . This was the MattyCollectors convention exclusive figure it was The Sorceress (featured in the picture above) in the Masters of the Universe movie deco. This figure sold for 20 dollars and honestly was a great add to my collection and to any who is a collector.

Also being displayed were a lot and I mean of a lot of the figures that will make it into the 2012 Masters Subscription. Along with many of the toys featured in the subscription they showed off some of the toys that will be in the Special 30th anniversary subscription. Featured in the pictures below are some of the awesome and do I mean awesome toys in the line. 

In the picture above you have 3 of the figures that will be in the 30th Anniversary line from left to right they are Photog, Dragoman, and The Mighty Spector. They are just 3 of the 6 figures that will be in the subscription. This is also the first year that you have a choice between 2 different Masters Subs the 2012 sub and the 30th Anniversary 6 figure sub..

Featured in the pictures below are the two over-sized figures that you can choose from this year in the subscription they are Beastman's Griffin and My personal favorite Swiftwind Shera's powerful steed that is the last figure that I need to finish my Masters collection. I have to say that they both look great you can only choose one as apart of you subscription so choose wisely. Griffin will be out in December and Swiftwind will go on sale sometime in November.   

Also featured in the picture with Swiftwind is the new Bubble Shera or also known as Shera 2.0 again they both go on sale in November.  
 Also featured in this years subscription is a giant amount of Princess of Power figures and I have to say that they look amazing I am sad to say that Frosta was nowhere to be found she was one of my favorites.

 The 2012 subscription exclusive figure also made an appearance at the convention featured in the picture above Shadow Weaver will be a great addition to anyone collection soory to say but I didnt subscribe to the Masters sub this year so I will have to get it on Ebay.

 The last figure I want to talk about in the Master line for 2012 is the Windrider unlike the beast figures in the line this will not be in the subscription and it considered a vehicle and not an oversized figure like the beasts. This first Vehicle in the Masters line looks amazing and I will add it to my collection. 

The reason I did not subscribe to the Masters of the Universe this year was because this year MattyCollector debut a new subscription. The Voltron Classics line featured in the picture below is the whole Voltron Classics line along with them all assembled to make the 23 inch Voltron.

 Each of the Lions in the line are roughly the size of G.I. Joe vehicle figures they also come a piece of the Blazing Sword in the pictures above and below you have the 4 (in my opinion) minor Lions the Green,Blue,Yellow, and Red. Along side of the Lions are their pilots. They are separate figures in the line and they are in 3 3/4 scale that will be perfect for the Lions they also come with special keys that open the Lions so you can (that's right) put them inside the Lion. The keys also double as a stand for the figure and they also come with an extra head so you can give them the helmet look if you want..  

 In these last pictures from the MattyCollector booths are the Black Lion and the fully assembled Blazing sword. These are the last thing you get in the Voltron Classics subscription but honestly in my opinion it is totally worth it and they will make a great addition to my collection and your is you subscribed.

Last but not least sad news from the MattyCollector booth was that since there were not enough people to subscribe they had to cancel the Ghostbusters Subscription. I am sad to hear that it had to go but I am happy that they still are pushing out some great toys and pros like their newest one that I am sad to say is sold out the Ghost Trap Prop.  I am so rry i dont have a pic of it but when I get one I will post it. Stay tuned though for what was new at mimobot and what is too come from play arts..

Until Next Time Geeks.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hello digital, bye, bye physical (Comics)

So for the both of you who have not heard as of this September, DC comics is now offering there single issue periodical comics on the same day (Wednesday) in both a physical paper option and digital option. The price point for these books is either $2.99 or $3.99 as of now in the United States. To buy the physical comic you can visit a comicbook store, online, or anywhere that sells comics near you. These usually come out every Wednesday, barring a holiday with the next issue coming out one month later, unless a title works under a different schedule. Ok, so what? If your reading this you already know all of this what's the point. Just follow along I'm trying to build a story.

In September DC comics launched their comics with new books and renumbering of older titles all with number ones as the issue number. The price is the same for the digital as it is for the physical version, but now you don't need to go anywhere to buy it. All you need is a internet active device, whether it's a desktop computer, a tablet or mobile device. Most companies which distribute these digital comics also have a computer program that allows you to read these comics once you have made your purchase. Again, WTF! Yeah, you know this keep reading.

Now the main purpose of renumbering the books according to DC comics is to make the comics they put out more accessible to new readers. To go along with that they put their books not only in the traditional brick and mortar stores but online. Again you already know all of this, big whoop. Now my question is what does this mean for the future of the physical comic?

Now let me be clear on this. I've been buying and reading comicbooks on physical paper for almost 20 years. I've spent thousands, upon thousands of dollars on single issues, trade paperback, manga, and different variations on comicbooks. And for my spending and collecting I kept buying box after box after box to store all of it. But now there is the cloud. This seemingly magical place where things can be stored and found so long as you have an internet connection. This includes comics, as well other things that are digital. So why would I NEED to keep buying physical books?

I like many others have a Apple "I" device. I updated it to the latest version. But before I did there was a warning. If you do this update all of your previously stored information will be deleted from the device. Basically setting it back to its factory setting with only the most basic applications. So I did it but I wasn't worried about information loss. I signed back into my account which was still available. The apps were under my accounts, purchased section of the app store so I re-installed those. The cloud had some of the rest of the information.

Now lets apply all of this knowledge to what may happen in the future. Lets say your on your DC comics account looking to add new titles to your subscription. Your also looking to remove some titles as the creative team has changed and you don't like the book anymore. So while your going through your list you see that DC has added back issued digital versions of a trade you already own in a physical paper version. You really love this trade and would love to read it anytime you want. No more moving long boxes and digging through trades to pull out your beat up version which you can't buy anymore since it's out of print. What do you do, you download it of course?

Now that beat up copy never has to take anymore damage than it already has. And you get to read your trade whenever you like. Great, win, win right? 

Three days later your device falls to the ground at a weird angle and now the screens cracked and it won't turn on. Argh!!! What are you gonna do, will you freak out and panic. Throw your hands to the sky and scream, "why God, why?" 

You might do that, but after you've calmed down you'll go to the cloud or your account. That's right you'll remember that you set your device to automatically backup to the cloud everyday at a specific time. Yippie, your trade was backed up and is still in the cloud or your purchased account. So you get a new device, redownload what you need and there you go without skipping a beat.

So again why do I need to keep buying a physical comic? I can access what I want, whenever I want. I don't have to worry about damaging, losing or just the wear and tear that comes from reading a comic. The number of comics that I can save in the cloud depends on how much I'm willing to spend on cloud space. And knowing these comic companies they'll certainly put more older stuff on their site which will than make me think about downloading them so as to not go through my paper copies of those books. Plus there never is going to be anything sold out. I can get it even if I'm in another country.

You've got to understand that physical comics are going to become like music CDs. Their still useful but most people don't buy them. Yes, that's not completely true, but HMV, Tower records and many other outlets that sold music CDs as their primary product and now their gone. Even traditional paper books are going away. So what makes anyone think the same won't happen to comics. Sure people still buy a CD version of an album, they still buy the Hardcover version of a new novel but where do they get these from. Your best bet is online but you can find some stores. A Best Buy or Barnes and Nobles still has these but the stock now is usually one or two copies. Even the folks in the store will tell you to go online to find something because they don't carry much stock anymore.

Now how can anyone realistically say that they will keep buying physical for the next ten years? The comic companies don't want to keep making paper comics. They aren't selling hundreds of thousands of copies on a monthly basis. The cost to benefit analysis they do tells them that they will save more money by not carrying so much paper inventory. So come on. Let the physical paper go. Buy new bags and boards for your older stuff, to keep the books from turning yellow/orange. Use your computer if you don't have a mobile device. And most importantly embrace the change. It's a slow gradual change that can only get better with time. And keep in mind it's not like you have a choice. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Batman Arkham City Panel NYCC 2011

Its that time again folks where we bring you the latest news of New York Comic Con 2011. and we start that Friday with the Arkham City Panel. it came full force with the Game Director Sefton Hill - Rock Steady Studios and Audio Director- Nick Arundel, Kevin Conroy the Voice of Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City as well as Batman the Animated Series and Claudio Sanchez, the lead singer of Coheed and Cambria who recorded a song for Arkham City’s original soundtrack.. They started the Panel with their newest trailer and from there they talked about one of the most anticipated games of the Year.

Arkham City’s game director Sefton Hill began to explain the story in which Batman sets off to find his arch-enemy The Joker. In order to reach him, Batman is forced to travel a considerable distance across Arkham City, which is zoned-off a section of Gotham and then handed to its criminals. He then explains the open-world format of the game and the feel of Batman’s movement from one point to another. Basically you are Batman and when you swoosh from one building to another you can actually feel that you are Batman soaring through the night.

Instead of the calculated creeping and crouching ala Arkham Asylum, players are given an jaw dropping experience of aerial fluidity; Batman can grapple a high point and release the cable at the last second, catapulting himself across a roof and gliding a bit before pulling himself forward once again with his grappling gun. Batman can glide continuously across the district with a combination of momentum and finesse. Batman’s ability to glide has been tweaked from a downward-only function to an asset that allows for motion similar to straight-out flight, So when you hurdle downward by pulling your cape in and then let go the motion of the cape will take in air and lift you up enabling him to both lift as well as drop his position as he floats forward. Perhaps more importantly, Batman can use his more airborne role in the game to make steep dives toward enemies on the ground which is a added plus with his assortment of his attack

In an interesting progression from the first game’s “audio awareness” of villains’ intentions gained from relying on Arkham Asylum’s PA system, Batman uses a radio earpiece keep him abreast of what Gotham’s criminals are up to throughout the Arkham City (and in the case of the demo, Batman has honed in on Harley Quinn’s frequency as she rambles about the Joker). Audio Director Nick Arundel mentioned that he wanted Batman’s audio surveillance to tell the story without necessarily slowing Batman or narrative progress down. Batman is also in radio contact with Alfred, who seems to be just as capable as the previous game’s Oracle in providing Batman with key information—and their respectful and easygoing rapport is a treat to hear.

From the Demo that was displayed as well as the playable demo that NYCC had offered in the DC booth,Sefton mentions the importance of sound and Arundel explains more in deatil of how Batman’s use of sound is a heavier use of his earpiece this time around for this game. Hill then started showed off a couple of exciting new innovations related to Batman’s gadgets. Arkham City’s Batman now carries a remote electrical charge able to execute several tasks, one of which includes the ability to create electromagnetic fields. This field can draw metal objects toward it, and in the demonstration, the tool allows Batman to cause an otherwise inanimate object to begin swinging with enough momentum to destroy an obstruction in his path. The charge can also shock enemies and, like other gadgets in the game, can now be used quickly with a controller shorthand, rather than with the longer process of selection and employment required from Arkham Asylum.

These small innovations applied to Batman’s utility belt go a long way in making the gameplay remarkable in this newer installment, and a similarly successful improvement has been brought to Batman’s animations, as well (which have apparently doubled this time around, from 30 to 90 members of Rocksteady Studios). One such example that got a roar from the crowd was Batman’s ability to run, slide his body along the ground, and seamlessly rise to run again—a simple but satisfyingly slick addition to the character’s aesthetic. Batman’s ability to fight, as well, showed enough of a step up to enthrall onlookers. For instance, Batman is now able to take down two thugs at once, or catch objects thrown at him for a near-immediate toss back. Particularly enjoyable to watch is Batman’s combo of a barrage of punches, which deals considerable damage to enemies much larger than himself.

The Arkham City panel of guests generated its own excitement, mostly due to the presence of longtime Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy, but also because of the enthusiasm of Game Director Sefton Hill, Audio Director Nick Arundel, and Claudio Sanchez, the lead singer of Coheed and Cambria who recorded a song for Arkham City’s original soundtrack. Between the four panelists seemed to be an air of modesty and an understanding of what kind of quality they owed the fans which we are all grateful for.

Hill stated that developing Arkham City wasn’t about “going bigger,” but giving the same amount of care and attention to the sequel’s story as had given to the first game, albeit on a larger canvas—that larger canvas involving a world five times larger than the original, a scope big enough to include warring factions led by Arkham villains, and 30 to 40 hours of gameplay. Arundel then explained in with similar thoughts about making plot the top priority, saying that the new game is still “all about the narrative” (and apparently, seeds from that narrative were planted in the first game). Kevin Conroy added that Paul Dini, the writer behind Batman: The Animated Series, wrote a story for Arkham City that was still tied to the acclaimed narrative he’d created on TV, only adapted for a new format. Conroy went on to say that Dini understands the vulnerability of Batman, and how to get fans to respond to it. Correspondingly, Hill stated that villains were selected based on who would best challenge Batman, as well as say something about the character.

Arundel stated that it was even important for Batman’s theme to inform players about who Batman is. Sanchez said that his band’s contribution to its soundtrack, “Deranged,” also explored character—although it’s the Joker’s perspective that his song investigated. Sanchez emphasized more than once how excited he was to be part of the project, creating and finishing the song within a day of being asked by game developers, he was so touched about getting the part that he almost cried in front of the panel, he mentions having grown up with Batman, his emotional connection to him fufilled his sense of commitment and excitement for the role he played in Arkham City’s finished product.

Overall, the panel was very good and very detail and Arkham City shouldn't disappoint and then they expressed measured pride in the work that went into the game, which was well earned; the sequel looks to be an evolved, polished, and masterful addition to the Arkham Asylum franchise. Lets hope they Rocky Steady Continues with the Legacy of making Batman Games.

Batman Arkham City Review.

Back in 2009 a relatively small company by the name of Rocksteady released  Batman Arkham Asylum. This game was a long time coming but no one knew how well it would be accepted into the gaming world. Batman Arkham Asylum is currently the holder of many and when I say many I mean many gaming awards including but not limited to multiple game of the year awards and is currently the Guinness Book of World Records holder for Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever.

Fast forward 2 year and we now have Batman Arkham City the game takes place a couple of months after the first game. After the whole Joker debacle in Arkham Asylum the mayor or who ever the head honcho in Gotham is decided to put all of the bad guys in small city in the middle of Gotham. (who ever the person in charge is needs to be shot but then again that is just my opinion.)

As all hell breaks loose Batman appears to save the day. Rocksteady has promised a very in depth and amazing game.

So on to the review I have been playing the game for about 8 hours and I will say that this game is amazing. All the hype that has surrounded this game for the last couple of months it lives up to it all if not surpasses it.  The way the game starts really depends on you you can either start out as catwoman by downloading the DLC or you can start as Batman.

The controls are as fantastic as they were in the first for me the camera is alittle buggy but you get used to it and you so learn that it will not bother you. There are some new toys this time around like the remote charge gun this stun gun that can power up doors and at the same time knock the shit out of thugs and bosses..

The graphics much like in the first game are still incredible I love that Rocksteady has put there spin on all of the characters in the game they also put in a bunch of skins and extras that you will enjoy. For example if you bought the game at Best Buy you get early access to the Robin DLC. Everything will be out later this month though like the Nightwing pack and the Batman Skins pack.

One of the newest additions to the game is the New Game + mode if you beat the game on normal or hard you unlock this in this mode all your enemies are more challenging but you get to keep all of your upgrades and experience that you have accumulated during your first play through. All in all this is a great game sure I have only been playing for alittle while but every moment from the beginning to now has been exciting and incredible this is a definite buy for anyone that loves Batman.  Or just wants to play and incredible comicbook superhero game.

I know the game is out already but stay tuned for our coverage of the Arkham City Panel that was at NYCC this year..

Until Next Time Geeks..

NYCC it came it stayed and it pretty much kicked ass.

This year was the 6th consecutive New York Comic Con but much like last year it again was a convention that was split into 2. Along with NYCC again was animefest and again I have to admit that this year has gotten so much better everything was well organized and the show room floor was alot nicer to look at.

The NYCC this year had a lot to celebrate with movies like The Avengers and DC revamping all their current books the show room floor was busy with lines for signings and for free swag.

So lets start with the bigger news form the comic con they toys well maybe that is not the bigger news for you but for me it is lol.. There were plenty of companies repping new toys this year but I have to say the biggest were play arts and Hasbro and Mattel. Besure to check out my posts on Mimobot and Mattle and Play arts. They will be sure to tickle you fancy especially if you are like me a big fan of these companies..

Hasbro showed their new additions to their Marvel Universe Line I am sorry to say I want able to get  alot pics of their new figures but I have some that were in their huge diorama. They are featured below. 

 (Above) It looks almost identical to the diorama that was at SDCC 2011 with a few differences here and there but again it was a great set up and I wish I could do the same thing with my figures but I am proud to say I am a mint in box kinda guy lol..

In the pic featured below it is scarlet spiderman and spiderman fighting the lizard and Dr. Octopus.this is the corner of the picture that is not featured in the picture above.
Also making a return to NYCC this year are the artists and writers that make the comic industry a very special place artists like Tim Sale, Geoff Johns and Writers like Robert Kirkman (the one man that one of my writers doesnt like but he will not be named lol)
 Above:Robert Kirkman
Below: Tim Sale
Also celebrating At NYCC the  launch of the The NEW 52 Line of DC was Jim Lee and Geoff Johns they were there signing books and drawing personal sketches for those who asked.. 

All in all NYCC was great this year but stay tuned for our other posts and new from 2011 NYCC..

Until Next Time Geeks..

Hi everybody

Hello my name is Kurt. I'll be a new contributor to this blog. Yeah baby! So what will I be bringing to this blog? Well more than I'm bringing to my own blog, the Balancing Brain. That's more of a vent blog when I have something to unleash, for now. So on this blog I'll put stuff that I think a geek should or maybe is interested in now. Maybe even stuff their not aware of that is interesting, frustrating or just plain noteworthy. Not perfect or perverse I'll save that for my on blog and not ruin this one. I'm here by invite so I'll be nice (sometimes). Until than enjoy your... No wait that's taken. If ya smell what the... No,no that's taken too. Ah, we'll skip the catchphrases for now, bye,bye.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It is Tuesday the 18th and...

And I know it has been a day or 2 since Comic-Con has ended an no news has been posted yet for that I am sorry but I assure that before the end of the week all the news that we covered at NYCC will be posted and detailed as best as we at the EGFG staff can remember. Also Stay tuned for our review of Batman Arkham City.. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

And today is the day everyone...

That is right it is the start of the 2011 New York Comic Con. Much like me I hope you are all excited this is going to be a big year. with the introduction of the 4 day pass yes that is right the 4 day pass much like San Diego you get a preview night with all the press and exhibitors. personally i think that it is a deal for 85 dollars that is only 20 added to the 3 day pass.

I hope you all have your passes and are going this weekend and if you dont stay tuned because I will have highlights for everyday except Sunday that is usually the day that I dont go..

Also stay tuned for my review of the much anticipated Forza Motor Sport 4 and Rage..

Until Next Time Geeks..

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dark Souls The Review.

I know  that it is early but I was able to get my hands on a copy thanks to a early ship from That is why  love that site..

Back in 2010 Namco released a PS3 exclusive called Demon Souls. I personally didnt get to play this game but I heard great things about it and at the same time I heard terrible things about it and I was kinda turned off to it. Fast forwards 2 years and Namco and is releasing Dark Souls...

This sequel to Demon Souls is something that many have been waiting for. I know I was one of them when I heard that this was coming out since it was going to be on PS3 as well as the 360...
After playing the game for about 5 hours I have to say that it is pretty good if you like the first one you will love this one but like everyone and I mean everyone is saying be prepared to die and die a lot. In the time that I have been playing I have kept count of all the times I have died in the game and I have died about 40 times in 5 hours some may say that is not be but some will also say that it is not good.

I didnt believe this till I got to play the actual game but for all the hardwork all the timing all the practice blows and all the deaths you do get some rewards some maybe weapons and some maybe magic but most of the time like any good RPG it is most of the time weapons..

Unlike the first game this time the world is open there is no hub to go to choose what worlds you want to goto everything is all linked together it. For me it was kinda hard getting used to the the map but you will slowly and surely get used to the map like I did.

Dark Souls to me is not the amazing game that everyone says it is dont get me wrong if you liked Demon Souls you will love this game. If i had to give this game a number out of 10 I would give it a 9. Not I like the game but because the game was good but I just wasnt feeling it and that was mainly because of the controls you mainly play the game like a first person shooter left is the eyes right is the legs. but the bumpers on top are the attacks and the triggers are the parry and defense. Honestly after 5 hours of playing I still cant enjoy it..

Again I will say it is great if you like the first game and much like other games like this it will be talked about until a next gen of systems comes out and much like ICO and Shadow of Colossus it will stand the test of time..

Stay tune for my review Rage..

Until Next Geeks..    

October is already here.

Can you believe it? October is already here.. Today is Oct. 3rd and you know what that means it is the night before the launch of Rage the long anticipated game from the creators of Doom and Quake and Dark Souls the even longer anticipated sequel to Demon Souls the one game on the planet that maybe harder then Ninja Gaiden.

Also it means that the New York Comic Con is just 2 short weeks away. I hope everyone has their ticket and if you dont I am pretty sure that you can still get one and come and join the fun. This year you can even buy a 4 day pass and get in on the press day.

I also have to apologizes to everyone I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last review of Gears of War 3 but I have been playing a steady stream of it and I have also been busy with school. So if there are gaps in between my posts again I am really sorry..

But lets talk new last week on friday Transformers Dark of the Moon was released on Blu-ray and honestly I feel just a little cheated.  Why? Because for something that as great as this movie there are no special features what so ever. For that I am cheated dont get me wrong I am happy the the copy i got was 18 dollars at Best Buy and that like all major retailers except for Target it has a special edition slip cover I have to say that I am still mad. What actually pushed me over the edge was when I opened the case inside was a coupon for the ultimate version of the movie which includes never before seen footage.  As for right now if you cant wait i would say get it but if you can wait till maybe December wait for the more definitive version to come out..

Stay tuned everyone for tomorrows reviews of Dark Souls and Rage. Also dont forget that Mel and I are covering the whole weekend of NYCC...

Until Next Time Geeks....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The long awaited Gears of War 3 Review..

Since Gears of War was released in 2006 everyone knew that this was going to be a great franchise. Most people bought the Xbox 360 for Halo 3 I bought it for Gears of War.

Fast forward 5 years and the last game in the franchise has just been released. 

After playing for about 3 hours I must say that this game is amazing. The detail and the story so far are unbelievable. The game takes place 2 years after the end of gears 2 and everything has gone to hell. People can no longer live on land due to the lambent. They now live on boats that are constantly moving they mostly head towards land when they need supplies.

The game is very much like the first 2 but for this game epic  has brought out the stops. They have included new weapons and a  alot and I mean alot of new modes like beast mode where you get to play as a Locust.

The best part for me though about this game is the multiplayer. You are going to have to wait for another post for the full review on it but for now I will say that the problems that you have experienced in Gears 2 are gone since Epic released a beta multiplayer. So now the multiplayer in this game is alot and I do mean alot smoother..

Again stay tuned for a full Multiplayer review

Until Next Time Geeks..

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sorry for the Delay

Sorry for not posting for a while but I have been busy having fun with my family here in NYC and at their home in Canada. That and my internet has been out for a couple of weeks which was terrible but atleast I got some much needed time with my family.. (smile)

I know it has been a very longtime since I posted but to get back in to the swing of things let start with Deus EX Human Revolution.

First this game came out late in the summer there were no really big titles during the summer which in my opinion was weird. After playing the game for a couple of hours and getting a feel for it.. I have to say that this is a great game one of the biggest reason i say this is because. You can play it anyway you want you can go in running and gunning everything down. Or you can be as quiet as a mouse and kill everything or slowly knock everyone out.

Another thing that the game does very well is giving you the chance to develop anything and everything a certain way you can be great at hiding and still be able to kill like a trained assassin or you can hack but still have the ability to hide in plain site..

All in all this is a great game and it would make a great addition to anyones collection. The only thing in my opinion that takes away from this game is the fact that there is no new game plus. Again all in all this is a great game and I gotta say that it is a buy..

Since I finally have my internet back I am going to start posting more and more I am also no longer on vacation (sad face).. So look forward too our review of Gears of War 3 which comes out in a week..

Until Next Time Geeks....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

SDCC is going on but who can forget about NCD...

This week is a great week in comics last week was too I know that I didnt post NCD last week but that was because I was busy with school stuff and for that I am sorry.. THis week in comics is great first up to be mentioned is Avengers Vol 4 #15. Avengers vol 4 started in January and since then it has been great every moment of it has been exciting and entertaining. It continues its run with a tie in story with Fear Itself. Along with this there are a bunch of Fear Itself tie ins coming out this week too; to name a few FF,Deadpool and fearsome four all have one.. Out this week too is Walking Dead 87. Sadly after all these books there is nothing else that out this week that is worth mentioning.. Except for Ultimate Fallout #2 this is the second book of 6 that is a tie in to death of Spider-Man. I will tell you though that this book is a great read and I dare say that it is my pick of the week lol..

Until Next Time Geeks..

Monday, July 18, 2011

Vinyl toys art or plaything... A review of The Vinyl Frontier…

I started collecting vinyl figures in 2007. At the time I didn’t know what they were all I knew was that they were cool little characters that I enjoyed showcasing on the shelves in my room. Fast forward 4 years and now I have a lot of the little guys on my shelves I went from 1 to 50. In a variety of characters and company name brands…

Now a days Vinyl is truly a frontier as can be seen in The Vinyl Frontier. An excellent film by Daniel Zana this film takes you through a rough history of the Vinyl world. It talks about the artists who started it all with simple things like Ken dolls. To artist that have revolutionized the industry with their personal style and feel. The documentary is about 90 minutes long and trust me from beginning to end it will keep you entertained and curious most importantly much like the figures it will keep you wanting more.

The film opens with interviews of some of the heavy hitters in the Vinyl figure world. To name a few Attaboy, Gary Baseman, Paul Bunditz, and Tara Mcpherson this is just the tip of the iceberg. As the film goes on it follows some of the artists an the things that they go through.

Some of my favorite scenes of the documentary are the portions that show Keith Poon designing and having a Vinyl toy that he has created made. Along with those scenes others that will also interest you and others are the personal opinions of those in vinyl art community. I really enjoyed finding out that some artists hate it when someone is clearly buying a vinyl toy to sell it or when a company releases the same toy but in a different color.

All in all this documentary is a great buy it is one of those movies that will shed light on a world that is growing everyday. It is also a great way to check out some of the collections that are out there and some of the vinyl figures that are worth looking into.

Like all dvds there are extras and man are they good. Most documentaries that I have watched don’t have many extras but this film does. One of the many extras is a look into the collection of Gary Baseman. Along with that there are commentaries from the director and artists and you even get a class in vinyl figure making with the famous Sucklord. (Sure it is filled with a lot of profanity but what hard work isn’t..)

So if you haven’t headed to the Vinyl Frontier website to pick up your own copy please do it is a great addition to any collection. At the site when picking up your copy you can get a autographed copy or a regular one

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary pre-order extras..

Like in the title of this post there are extras to be gotten with the preorder of the anniversary edition of Halo Combat Evolved. Mainly there will be 2 items one will be a special skull that when activated will cause grunts to explode like plasma grenades when killed. The other item will be Spartan 117 armor which will look good on your avatar well atleast I think so..

Until Next Time Geeks...

Monday, June 27, 2011

New Era NYC Transformers Comerative Collection for Dark of the Moon

if you live in NYC or will be in the area tonight, and you know all the hype that is coming for the New Transformers Dark of the Moon Movie, then you knew about New Era flagship store (9 East 4th St.) between 6 and 8 p.m. was the New Era x Hasbro event commemorating the new release of their cap collection. Some of the prize giveaways were The first 100 fans in line will get free movie tickets to see TF3, and there will be sweet giveaways from New Era and Hasbro, prize packs, and the chance to win two tickets to see the U.S. premiere tomorrow.

Everything Geek was there to show you the highlights. Hasbro and New Era were at the event providing giveaways as well as a special guest named JT Homes who is Lead Stunt Coordinator. if you watched any of the commercials he is the person with a team of para flyers sky diving to the city in the movie. there was also a live DJ and other companies such as Oakly and Red Monkey showcasing transformers merchandise. Pictures below.