Friday, November 11, 2011

Be Immortal, See Immortal? (movie)

Being immortal can be what? Amazing, boring, mind altering, sad, those are some the themes movies have tried to pass on to movie goers for decades. Highlander jumps to mind. Who wouldn't want to have no rival and have one be their equal. That Queen song is still awesome to this day, Princes of the Universe on iTunes is worth a dollar. But how does anyone really be Immortal, through memories.

That's the theme of Immortals out in theaters today. King Hyperion wants to find the Epirus Bow to unleash the Titans so they can destroy the Olympians. And hopefully each other. Than with the bow he'll conquer the world (Greece) and have so many babies that the world (Greece) will be one inbred group of little Hyperions long after he is dead. Theseus on the other hand wants to cut wood and protect his mom. So what happens when these two massive egos clash in epic battle for an hour and thirty minutes. It's better than Clash of the Titans that's for sure. The rest is passable.

It's not a memorable film like Highlander. Connor McCloud was a likable if dull character. Theseus is a supremely skilled warrior who only wants to use his skills for family. The Kurgan was the absolute evil of man made flesh. King Hyperion is pure badass with an actual agenda that's believable. One is bad for bads sake, the other is out to make the world pay for his lose. Of course there's a girl involved, but Immortals wins that hands down because of one pair of buttcheeks. In the end the person who wins and becomes immortal does so by the deeds they do. And that is worth watching, in 2D NOT 3D. I heard this movie was made in 3D. But you only really see it one fire whip scene, which is actually pretty cool. Yes, it's worth seeing even a DVD buy later. But truly immortal like Highlander, 300,.or Spartacus maybe someday.

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