Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception.

Back in 2007 a demo appeared in the PSN store. The PS3 was still new and everyone was talking about how the system could not succeed especially since Halo 3 was just released and sales for the Xbox 360 were off the charts.  But then in November a couple of months after the release of Halo 3 came Uncharted Drake's Fortune. This game was such a sleeper hit that even I bought into it and my god was it amazing.  It was the first time that I was speechless at the graphics of a game.

 Fast forward 4 years and after a sequel in 2009 comes the last in the trilogy Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception. It doesn't say how long it takes place after the second game but in this sequel Drake and his crew are yet again thrust into a treasure hunt but this time it is for the Hidden Treasure of Francis Drake the person that Nathaniel Drake claims to be a descendant of.

I have been playing this game for about 4 hours and from what I have seen and done in this game I have to say get it.  The graphics are on par with the other games that have taken many game of the year awards. The story is yet again compelling and easy to get lost into many will say it isnt but what uncharted game hasnt been completely enthralling.

The multiplayer has been redesigned and consists of new modes I have not been able to play them yet but please stay tuned for the complete multiplayer review. Co-op makes its way to the game again and unlike the campaign it is not as long but since it is broken up into several levels you get the illusion that it is longer. if yo have time to play the game I have to say that this is an easy platinum trophy and it is a great buy if you are waiting for MW3 like I am I say rent this and beat it before that and Skyrim comes out..

Stay tuned next week for reviews off the Metal Gear Solid the Hd collection and the most anticipated game of the year Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3..

Until Next Time Geeks..  

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