Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The long awaited Gears of War 3 Review..

Since Gears of War was released in 2006 everyone knew that this was going to be a great franchise. Most people bought the Xbox 360 for Halo 3 I bought it for Gears of War.

Fast forward 5 years and the last game in the franchise has just been released. 

After playing for about 3 hours I must say that this game is amazing. The detail and the story so far are unbelievable. The game takes place 2 years after the end of gears 2 and everything has gone to hell. People can no longer live on land due to the lambent. They now live on boats that are constantly moving they mostly head towards land when they need supplies.

The game is very much like the first 2 but for this game epic  has brought out the stops. They have included new weapons and a  alot and I mean alot of new modes like beast mode where you get to play as a Locust.

The best part for me though about this game is the multiplayer. You are going to have to wait for another post for the full review on it but for now I will say that the problems that you have experienced in Gears 2 are gone since Epic released a beta multiplayer. So now the multiplayer in this game is alot and I do mean alot smoother..

Again stay tuned for a full Multiplayer review

Until Next Time Geeks..

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