Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at NYCC..

I know it has been a long time coming but trust me it is so worth the wait. NYCC was roughly 3 weeks ago but my writers and I here at EGFG are still buzzing about it and trust me when I say buzzing I mean jumping up and down at what is to come during the 2012 subscription year with the collector site

First I want to start with what is to come with the Masters of the Universe Classics line.

First a sign that NYCC is starting to become a giant convention that is worth mentioning along the lines of SDCC . This was the MattyCollectors convention exclusive figure it was The Sorceress (featured in the picture above) in the Masters of the Universe movie deco. This figure sold for 20 dollars and honestly was a great add to my collection and to any who is a collector.

Also being displayed were a lot and I mean of a lot of the figures that will make it into the 2012 Masters Subscription. Along with many of the toys featured in the subscription they showed off some of the toys that will be in the Special 30th anniversary subscription. Featured in the pictures below are some of the awesome and do I mean awesome toys in the line. 

In the picture above you have 3 of the figures that will be in the 30th Anniversary line from left to right they are Photog, Dragoman, and The Mighty Spector. They are just 3 of the 6 figures that will be in the subscription. This is also the first year that you have a choice between 2 different Masters Subs the 2012 sub and the 30th Anniversary 6 figure sub..

Featured in the pictures below are the two over-sized figures that you can choose from this year in the subscription they are Beastman's Griffin and My personal favorite Swiftwind Shera's powerful steed that is the last figure that I need to finish my Masters collection. I have to say that they both look great you can only choose one as apart of you subscription so choose wisely. Griffin will be out in December and Swiftwind will go on sale sometime in November.   

Also featured in the picture with Swiftwind is the new Bubble Shera or also known as Shera 2.0 again they both go on sale in November.  
 Also featured in this years subscription is a giant amount of Princess of Power figures and I have to say that they look amazing I am sad to say that Frosta was nowhere to be found she was one of my favorites.

 The 2012 subscription exclusive figure also made an appearance at the convention featured in the picture above Shadow Weaver will be a great addition to anyone collection soory to say but I didnt subscribe to the Masters sub this year so I will have to get it on Ebay.

 The last figure I want to talk about in the Master line for 2012 is the Windrider unlike the beast figures in the line this will not be in the subscription and it considered a vehicle and not an oversized figure like the beasts. This first Vehicle in the Masters line looks amazing and I will add it to my collection. 

The reason I did not subscribe to the Masters of the Universe this year was because this year MattyCollector debut a new subscription. The Voltron Classics line featured in the picture below is the whole Voltron Classics line along with them all assembled to make the 23 inch Voltron.

 Each of the Lions in the line are roughly the size of G.I. Joe vehicle figures they also come a piece of the Blazing Sword in the pictures above and below you have the 4 (in my opinion) minor Lions the Green,Blue,Yellow, and Red. Along side of the Lions are their pilots. They are separate figures in the line and they are in 3 3/4 scale that will be perfect for the Lions they also come with special keys that open the Lions so you can (that's right) put them inside the Lion. The keys also double as a stand for the figure and they also come with an extra head so you can give them the helmet look if you want..  

 In these last pictures from the MattyCollector booths are the Black Lion and the fully assembled Blazing sword. These are the last thing you get in the Voltron Classics subscription but honestly in my opinion it is totally worth it and they will make a great addition to my collection and your is you subscribed.

Last but not least sad news from the MattyCollector booth was that since there were not enough people to subscribe they had to cancel the Ghostbusters Subscription. I am sad to hear that it had to go but I am happy that they still are pushing out some great toys and pros like their newest one that I am sad to say is sold out the Ghost Trap Prop.  I am so rry i dont have a pic of it but when I get one I will post it. Stay tuned though for what was new at mimobot and what is too come from play arts..

Until Next Time Geeks.

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