Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sorry for the Delay

Sorry for not posting for a while but I have been busy having fun with my family here in NYC and at their home in Canada. That and my internet has been out for a couple of weeks which was terrible but atleast I got some much needed time with my family.. (smile)

I know it has been a very longtime since I posted but to get back in to the swing of things let start with Deus EX Human Revolution.

First this game came out late in the summer there were no really big titles during the summer which in my opinion was weird. After playing the game for a couple of hours and getting a feel for it.. I have to say that this is a great game one of the biggest reason i say this is because. You can play it anyway you want you can go in running and gunning everything down. Or you can be as quiet as a mouse and kill everything or slowly knock everyone out.

Another thing that the game does very well is giving you the chance to develop anything and everything a certain way you can be great at hiding and still be able to kill like a trained assassin or you can hack but still have the ability to hide in plain site..

All in all this is a great game and it would make a great addition to anyones collection. The only thing in my opinion that takes away from this game is the fact that there is no new game plus. Again all in all this is a great game and I gotta say that it is a buy..

Since I finally have my internet back I am going to start posting more and more I am also no longer on vacation (sad face).. So look forward too our review of Gears of War 3 which comes out in a week..

Until Next Time Geeks....

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