Thursday, June 28, 2012

Video Game Company Stores and all that Jazz

Hello everyone, these days video game companies not only provide us with games hit every hit within every year but they started provide memorabilia, now that being said we got to go back in time (Yes i know today is the day Marty Mcfly goes from October 26 1985 to June 28 2012 to the Future and if you don't know this reference then your not a fan of the 80's, or not born in the 80's or you don't know what the movie Back to the Future means to Geeks in the early years... yes i went there HA) anyway back in the days when i was game playing where trophies or achievements in a game was to just finish the game, i use to go to China town and picked up video game memorabilia of my favorite games, keep in mind some or most of this memorabilia were in fact either knock offs or the real thing but mostly knock offs. these days video game companies now want to give you the same merchandise but for 2times the price and the truth of the matter is not all of the merchandise is any good. which brings me to this article. Word on the interweb is that Konami the makers of those something something revolution games, Castlevanina and the infamous Metal Gear Solid franchise just opened their first North American online store. 

Now the store is out but has very little of merchandise. Maybe like one poster of the game. and this is where im getting at. Why would we go to a video game store that doesn't support all the merchandise dedicated to the game? i can only think of a few video game company stores that support the memorabilia, for instance Square Enix Store USA. it has almost all the merchandise of your favorite video games from their brother site store in Japan ( Also keep in mind Japan has a real store in Shibuya-ku area which is every geeks dream to visit)NOW THIS IS VIDEO GAME COMPANY STORE SHOP!!!
Another Company is probably Capcom Store this place is also awesome for the latest on your favorite games merchandise. and give you deals on old memorabilia
i hope Konami sees that there is an opportunity to make their store shine like their competitors. all they need is... "the push" (yes you youngsters if you didn't see the Avengers Movie Yet.... why are you reading this blog HA and go see Back to the Future you wont regret it- Mel)

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