Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Arkham City: Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC Review

Hello everyone after finally purchasing Arkham City: Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC i can finally give yo my verdict on this side bonus of goodness. Arkham City: Harley Quinn's Revenge takes place after the end of Arkham City where Batman is quite not all there since the passing of he arch nemesis the Joker. Harley Quinn kidnapped a few cops and Commissioner Gordon needs the cape crusaders help yet again in order to bring the clown's sidekick/lover to justice. You actually start the game as Robin the Cape crusaders partner. Word from Oracle is Batman went missing for 2 days. So now you know the story, on with the Game play, in the DLC you play both Robin and Batman in different times, Robin is unique on his own accord with different abilities and gadgets, yes its not many then Batman but the variety it does have makes the Boy Wonder a serious foe. Sound is as good as the original and voice acting is as always superb. you get about 2 to 3 hours of game story bat goodness and for the price of $10 dollars its worth it. That my friends is a recession special. you can't go wrong with that. if your a big fan of the game and franchise you will need to buy this DLC to completely finish Arkham City since it adds more value to the whole game. -Mel

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