Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Amazing Spider-man's Amazing review..

Back in 2000 Activision created some thing spectacular something amazing something very web crawling they created the first ever spiderman game. A couple of years later they came out with a sequel then eventually they came out with the first movie tie in. But in 2004 when Spider-man 2 came out they created something spectacular. The Spider-man 2 video game this game was amazing it was everything that you could possibly want out of a Spider-man game fast forward 8 years and say hello to The Amazing Spider-man this game follows the events of Peter parker and characters introduced after what happens in the movie so when playing I suggest you tread lightly or you wait to see the movie first..

But like I was saying the game takes place where the movie ends Spider-man has to help clean up the city due to the fact that Connors is a a douche. Again tread lightly unless you are not going to see the film but lets be legit about this you are so going to see the film.. Like I was saying though you have to save the city from an infection that is going around because Connors experiments are on the loose you travel through many of the NYC local well except for the Bronx because who really wants to go there. The island of Manhattan where a lot of the game takes place is very detailed and very lively.

The gameplay is very linear though you do mission sort of like in GTA you can do them anyway you want but they follow a straight path. The fighting mechanic is very much like Arkham Asylum or Arkham City you press single button combination to do wild combos but the only problem is that they are not as in-depth as those games but they are fun though. The biggest and the best part of the gameplay though is the web-slinging much like in Spider-man 2 you have total freedom of the city and web-slinging is king it is amazing thanks to the new camera that follows Spider-man you feel like you are really that high up and you get a sense of vertigo it might not arise in all of you but it is there and it adds a new spin on the game.

All in all this is a great game to add to your collection it is fun,breathtaking and it gives you a sense of being Spider-man that alone was the main reason I got this game. If you do get this game I would say wait till you see the movie or for you guys who feel they wouldnt get their moneys worth wait till the game is on sale or rent it..

Until Next Time Geeks..   

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