Monday, June 18, 2012

Buxom girls, Short Skirts. and Zombies..

What really is there not to like about Lollipop Chainsaw. The ironic thing is that there are quite a few things to not like about the newest game from acclaimed director Suda 51.

The game centers around Juliet Starling she is a cheerleader at San Romero Highschool. On her birthday of all days there is a Zombie attack in her town and she unlike all the others that are becoming zombies is a trained zombie hunter. But her efforts a futile as she doesnt act fast enough to save her boyfriend Nick. After Nick is bitten Juliet has no choice but to lop off Nick's head and preform a spell on it so he can survive without a body. Yes that is just one of the many zany things in the game.

The graphics are pretty standard for a game like this the cinemas are pretty good and the loading screens are a mix of sometimes gameplay and cel-shading. The gameplay is full of a mix of easy combos and timed events where you have to put Nick on a zombie body and get him to move something heavy or lift Juliet up. The voice acting is very well done and the script for the game is funny as hell but I am sorry to say you hear alot of it over and over again. Which is kinda normal for a game like this.

One of my biggest dislikes about this game is that the camera is terrible it is a lot of angles and turning that impairs the player and a lot of the time causes you to get angry. The only good thing about the camera is that you can use it to look up the skirt of Juliet. But due to the programing she will hold her skirt down or cover up lol.  All in all Lollipop chainsaw is a pretty good game and is a great play for about 5 to 10 hours for that one reason I would say wait till it gets cheaper to buy the game or rent it and have some fun for a couple of days if you do buy the game and add it to your collection you wont be disappointing because there is plenty to play and plenty to collect in the game..

Stay tuned for my review of The first season of Adventure Time

Until Next Time Geeks.....

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