Monday, April 19, 2010

Splinter Cell Conviction Review..

Splinter Cell has always been a great stealth series on consoles. The latest installment is even better. It is like playing Batman Arkham Asylum the controls may take some getting used to for some but others will feel like they are home.. The single player portion of the game is fun but not long the story is great and it has its really high points but again the only problem with it is that it is short. What will keep you enjoying this game like most out on the next gen consoles is the multiplayer & the co-op sequences. First the multiplayer has many engaging modes that will have you enjoying it for hours on end. The co-op in my opinion is even better it has its own story line and in both modes you can purchase weapon upgrades and different kinds of armors. All in all it is a great game and it will make a great addition to anyone's collection.

Until next time geeks...

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