Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Iron Man 2 Coming up and Stark Industries Promoting Expo 2010

Hello fellow geeks, it’s a typical Tuesday Morning when I came to a nifty website this morning. As you all now Iron Man 2 will be hitting the theaters, and I will definitely be there with my arc reactor and 7-11 cup ready to boot. Lol and I did buy the helmet produced by Hasbro was going to color it as Warmachine, unfortunately with work and home life I won’t be able to finish on time. Now back to this morning so I was placing my orders for movie tickets when I came across a link called http://www.starkexpo2010.com/. Looks like Marvel and other sponsors came up with a viral marketing gimmick to attack the Ironman fanatics. The website states that the Stark Expo will launch May 7th at Flushing Meadows NY. Now I don’t know about you if you make a website like this and actually put a location that is real then there is bound to be something going on right? I believe it is time for Everything Geek from a Geek to open up their horizons and start exploring this expo. We will let you know if anything came out of this. Hopefully something going on and hopefully swag in our pockets. More to come and back to the work grind.

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