Sunday, April 18, 2010

Avatar Blu-ray/ DVD combo Review...

What can be said about Avatar that other reviewers haven't said already. Nothing really but there can be a lot said about this Blu-ray/Dvd combo pack. First of all if you are looking forward to learning all about how things were filmed and how the effects came together dont get your hopes up. In a new way to take your money Fox is releasing this movie with out special features. They say it is so they can put the best quality version of Avatar on the disc but come on Cameron it is clearly so you can release other versions of the film to get more money.. Dont get me wrong it is worth the money to watch the daily lives of the people of Pandora but I want my special features.. If you are like me and want all the goodies you will have to wait till November for them to release a more definitive version of the movie and for those of you who have a 3d television I cant help you I dont know when a 3d version of the bluray/dvd will be released.. Until then though play the game that is in 3d..

Until next time geeks...

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