Thursday, July 26, 2012

SDCC Tamashii/Bluefin..

Every July it comes and it goes but it is never forgotten because of all the people and all the stars. Yes you know what I am talking about SDCC this year at SDCC a lot and I mean a lot was talked about but if you want to hear about it all or more likely read about it all you are going to have to comeback... Because in this post I am just talking about everything that was at bluefin and Tamashii nations.

First lets talk about my favorites of the line. the D-arts line this is the line that carries a lot of great characters such ad Medabots, Megaman X, and Digimon their display this year much lik all years was amazing but it didnt really have a diorama feel like the other displays. As you can see in the picture below there is a Sigma figure and a black Zero along with that is the armor that X and Zero would use I think it was called the ride armor.  I do not know as of yet if these are future figures but one can hope right..

The next display I want to talk about is the Dragon Ball Z displays all of them featured something that should be looked at and posted about..

In the first picture below is the figures that are currently on the market and being sold. Along with them are figures that are going to be sold I hope in the near future.

 As you can see in the picture they have on display all the figures that you can currently get and then they have 3 that will hope fully come out sometime in the next year or so. Those figures are Freiza, Android 18 and Krillin I really hope that he comes with the Destructo Disc. IN the pic tures below are some close up shots of the 3 new figures. 

In the picture below of the second display you see the SDCC Gohan and the future release Perfect Cell powering up to fight

 The perfect Cell figure is set to release in December and will be one of the few figures that will come with a Kamehameha.. I cant wait to add this to my collection.. 

The next and last display is my favorite it is the scene where Goku, Vegeta, and  Nappa meet for the first time and they find out and Kakarots power level is over 9000. There are multiple great things about this picture one gokus is not super saiyan nether is Vegeta there is a giant Nappa that hopefully will have his armor in the release. Last but certainly not least Vegeta has a broken scouter and around his waits it a sculpted tail lets us hope for the best..

Some of the other additions to the Tamashii series look amazing and have to be bought I havent felt this ways since play arts started releasing Batman figures.  Some of the additions are Servo from Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad, The Megazord from the first AMerican season of the Power Rangers and last but not least Dukemon from Digimon. 

Just in time for the 25th Anniversary

Dukemon and War Greymon.

Servo looking bad-ass.

Servo and his Weapons I hope that they can combine like in the show..

These are all the figures that were featured at the bluefin Tamashii booth they look great and I have per-oredered a lot lol.. I hope you all get the chance to do the same because if you miss the chance I promise you will regret it.. 

Until Next Time Geeks..

We now have a twitter and a small review on The Dark Knight Rises..

it has been a while since I have blogged about anything.. But here I am first in this update I want to say that we now have a twitter page that is currently run by me and other members of the blog. You are welcome to follow us we are @EGFG2 get the 2 it is because it is the second EGFG the website being the first lol.. .

The second of the update is that oh my go see The Dark Knight Rises. It is an excellent movie The Dark Knight Rises has everything that you may or may not want in a Batman movie but for me it has everything so far I have only seen the movie once but I promise that much like The Dark Knight I will see this movie over and over again till it comes out on Blu-ray. My favorite thing about the movie has to be Bane most people arent aware of who he is and that disappoints me but Bane is a South American mercenary that is constantly looking for a great fight. In the Nolan epic he is still a mercenary but instead of being a guy that is looking for a fight he is just looking to destroy gotham think Bane with a hint of Joker..

The Third in this update is that if you follow our twitter you know that I said that I would post all our SDCC stuff on Monday but I have been on vacation so I have not been able to do so. I promise though that before the end of the week I will post about all the great things that was at SDCC this year.. That and all the great toys some of which I have already bought and will be reviewing on the Site..

Until Next Time Geeks..

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Revoltech: The best action figures in the World!

If your not familiar with Revoltech your missing out on the best figures in all the world. From Kaiyodo a Japanese company in Osaka comes the most articulate and well crafted figures that I have ever seen. They started out as a collectibles shop that later started doing customs. One of their sculptors named Bome became well known for his figures based on anime characters. Over the years they developed the Revolver Joint technology which gives their figures more stability and articulation. The Revol-Tech creates a figure which can be used in ways most figures can't possibly try.

I'm a G.I. Joe, 3 inch figure collector, mostly Cobra Viper figures. I love the posses that you can create with them. And the scenes that you can put together makes for some creative battles. But all of the vipers in the world don't have the potential of posses or level of accessories that the Revoltech figures do. These are not cheap in materials or price. They usually start at $20 for earlier figures and go up into the $100s. Yet check out the images at the bottom of the page. I think you'll agree these look fantastic. They are not only Japanese characters that they work on. The also do American characters, lately they have a Batman figure which I think is better than any Batman I've seen from DC Direct. And they are only getting better. Of all the toys I see very few make say, "I must have that"! Most of the Revoltech figure though make robbing a bank seem like a good idea, if only to afford the exclusives.


DC Versus Marvel 2012

Lets do a comparison of how things are going between DC Comics and Marvel Comics.

So last year DC Comics launched the New 52 group of books. I think it's been average so far. No matter what the advertising says the majority of those books are average at best. It was supposedly a clean slate for new readers to come on board and not get lost in years worth of back story. Everyone had to follow that mandate, except Geoff Johns and Grant Morrison of course. Those guys books were already making money, so don't screw them up. Reading Green Lantern number 1 was really reading number 61 because thats where the story picks up from. And Batman Incorporated should have just not existed anymore and Damien should be gone as well. But nope Damiens still around and Batman Inc. returned. So what changed for the better? Lets find out.

This whole 52 thing was not meant to reestablish the upper echelon books of DC as more dominate books. Superman and Batman are always going to sell well. It was the middle of the road books that were supposed to get a boost from the relaunch. Some time in mid 2011 Dan Didio and Jim Lee stated that they wanted to broaden the line of less than high profile titles. So looking at the 52 line now, titles like Nightwing, Supergirl, Batgirl, Aquaman, the Flash, Red Lanterns and All Star Western get more attention from readers who may have passed on those titles had they come out within the old numbering system. So that helps the readers who have heard of these title and characters from before the relaunch. Has it helped new readers, we'll know that answer when we get to the 1 year mark for the new 52.

Aquaman is not a punchline. That's the subtle idea that Geoff Johns is trying to ingrain into that comic. I think its working but Ivan Reis has to get a lot of credit for making this work. I don't care for Azzarellos Wonder Woman. It's not cliche or boring, I just don't think that book works. Wonder Woman is not Kratos from God of War so she doesn't need to constantly be slaying monsters every issue. She's even stranger in Justice League. I like Geoff Johns work a lot but really she has ice cream for the first time and acts like its the greatest creation since the wheel. Next you'll have her staring at a DVR while holding a sword in her hand threatening it if it doesn't record the Jersey Shore for her. All while yelling that Siri is a demon spawn of Hades since it talks to her like she's a commoner and not a princess. Hawkman, I know better than to lose my sanity over that insanity so no more about that.

These and other titles have a take it or leave it kind of feel to me. I'll take Red Lanterns but I'll leave Firestorm. Sometimes a title might surprise you like Swamp Thing or StormWatch. Than you get Static Shock or Men at War and realize that you should expect a dud once in a while. Overall though the line is good. Just good not great and doesn't seem to be pushing for great but it's still kind of new so the new car smell is still there, sort of. Whatever else comes out of this at least most of the books are reasonably priced under $3 which is more than I can say for Marvel.

Now here's where I piss on Marvel.

Out of all the books that Marvel prints I only read three monthly. Captain America by Ed Brubaker, Winter Soldier also by Mr. Brubaker and the Mighty Thor by Matt Fraction. And I buy the Invincible Iron Man only in trade paperback form. I'll be stopping my reading of one of those titles when Mr. Brubaker leaves in the next few months. Why only these titles, simple they stick out because they don't suck and are easy to follow.

The majority of Marvel books are priced at $3.99 and above. That is too much. If you have $20 to spend on comics and have all those books come out on the same week you'll have a dilemma. Do you buy 4 books for about $16 or do you look at what DC has to offer? With most of the DC books you can probably go home with 5 to 6 comics and maybe have some money left. And since the relaunch are easier to follow while most Marvel books have no sense of direction. And with that make their books not worth the money.

When I started reading comics I started with Marvel because they seemed easier to get into. DC seemed too complicated except for Batman but even that was hard to follow. X-Men was the end all be all. As long as you read that you were fine. Avengers was an exclusive club of comic historians. The Fantastic Four was slowly losing its steam with John Byrne leaving but still had an ease to it. Spider-Man I don't care for but Venom was badass and Carnage was Venom if he was the Joker.

It took the Death of Superman to get me into DC. It was another 7 years before I before I become more of a DC fan than a Marvel fan. And than 1 year of Brian Bendis on Avengers and Joss Whedons Astonishing X-Men before I walked away from the House of Bad Ideas. I only stick with Captain America because of Ed Brubaker and because Cap is awesome. If Matt Fraction wasn't on Thor I wouldn't be reading that. And it all goes back to quality. Most Marvel books are poor quality stories with half decent art. And if you can't make both of those two elements come together in a decent manner than you can't have my money.

And now coming after Avengers versus X-Men finishes we'll get another reboot. This time new mixed up creative teams. And more books that will probably go nowhere. And of course with a higher price for the books with the more well known creative teams. I can't support this. So for me make mine DC, flaws and all. It has it's problems Teen Titans isn't that good. Batwoman has great covers but average story telling. And the Superman books aren't good. Even with those and other problems DC is winning 2012, so far. But it's not about how you start but how you finish but I don't think Marvel will finish strong.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Dark Knight Rising

The week is finally here. I think it's safe to say, as much anticipation as there was for Avengers, this is more explosive. The Amazing Spider-Man came out, very good movie. That was Electro at the end if you still didn't get the clue. Now though Comic-Con, done, Spider-Man. done now the epic of the summer is a few days away. I'm excited and so are you. I've got the tickets, the Batman shirt (new) is ready, never been worn. Joy and fear all at the same time. ARGH! Let's do this The Dark Knight Rises opens this Friday nationwide.Yeah baby. After this is Dredd in September.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Batman Earth One Not the story Batman Needs but the story Batman Deserves..

The DC universe has gone through some big changes in the last year and a half. First there was the release of the New 52 revamping a large portion of the DC universe. Then there was the release of Earth 2 this is another new world to their 52 in which the Green Lantern is happily married to his partner good for you DC. Even before the New 52 took effect they released the Earth One graphic novels these are stories sort of retelling iconic characters the first book was written as a Superman story which was pretty god but ended much like any superman movie.

Fast forward 2 year and today is the release of Earth One Batman. I am not sure if you guys know this about me but I am a Batman connoisseur I know everything and anything Batman and on my list of Batman stories that you have to read this has found a place on that list along with greats such as Hush,Killing Joke, Death in the Family, Arkham Asylum, and the Nolan Batman.

First let me talk about the story I am not going to say much because I want you to purchase this but the books starts like any good Batman comic him doing something stupid or courageous and then messing up. From there they flash back to tell the origin of why he went from happy go lucky kid to angry beatem up vigilante. My favorite thing about this book is that Batman is still new to the crime fighting world as this book is being depicted. Geoff Johns is a great writer I am not saying he is the quintessential write for Batman but he does put on a great show. The art in the book is again great much like anything that Johns may have his hands in and it is very not worthy to the Batman cause.

Some will say that the Batman story doesnt need another retelling but what I have to say to that is this is the story that DC doesnt need but it is totally the story that Batman deserves. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

D-arts Meagaman X Zero Ver. 2. The Review.

Back in March D-arts released a Zero figure to accompany their X figure everyone was so happy but at the same time every one including myself was disappointed the version of Zero that was released didnt have his iconic zsaber. Much like everyone else I was out raged and like many i didnt purchase the figure. Fast forward about 6 months and there you have it folks D-arts finally got the hint and released the figure. Zero version 2 is Freaking awesome. as you can see from the picture below that he comes in almost the same box. The only difference is that it says type 2 instead of version 2 but for this review I will continue to call it Ver.2

When you open him up again he is pretty much like the first release the sculpt is the same and the quality is the same, the articulation is incredible much like any d-arts figure you would purchase.
The biggest difference is that now Zero how shoulder pads and on his back is a small white box that you can attach a sword handle too so it looks like this Z-Saber is sheathed.  In the picture below you will see that is pack with a number of accessories multiple hands and I am very very glad to say multiple Z-Sabers there are 3 2 thin bladed one pointed and not pointed and there there is the big daddy slasher one.

You also get his buster like in the first release but if you want him to look like he is actually shooting something you will have to purchase the first release of the figure because he doesnt come with the buster effect.

All in all ver. 2 Zero is and excellent figure and an amazing buy when I saw pictures of this figure I couldnt wait to purchase it I was all oh my god this figure is going to be awesome now I dont open my toys much I am a mint in box kinda guy but to tell you the truth I opened this bad boy up and checked him out this is a great addition to anyones figure collection.

Until Next time Geeks..