Tuesday, July 27, 2010


At the Deathly Hollows Panel, Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy,) made an appearance at the San Diego Comic-Con(Mind you the first time he ever been at SDCC) today to introduce footage for the upcoming "Deathly Hallows" films as well as the official dates which are November 19, 2010 and July 7, 2011. The footage played like an extended trailer for the pair of movies and opened with shard mirror and then a shot of Harry with voice overs of Voldormort and Dumbledore. It then cuts to the familiar scene in the forest with Voldemort and all of the Death Eaters when Harry arrives... and Voldemort's now the famous line - "Harry Potter. The boy who live, come to die..." which we already saw in the earlier trailers, then you see a bit of the wand duel in the forest. which is new footage. The scene goes into various cuts that include dragons, the trip through Gringotts and what looked like several Harry Potters standing with each other and more of the final battle. then new footage of the Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour who promises his people that "Your Ministry remains strong!" It goes to another scene in a diner with the famous three - Harry, Hermione and Ron talking about their next moves when they draw wands to defend themselves against an attack

Next, a scene at a long table with the Death Eaters sitting around it and Voldemort sitting at the head. Snape explaing the whereabouts of Harry. Voldemort then reminds them that he 'must be the one to kill Harry Potter.' More cuts lead to the the three, looking tired and torn among each other. Ron is yelling at Harry. Ron has been listening to the radio every night to make sure he doesn't hear that any of his family has died in the war. Harry yells at Ron "Don't you think I've been listening too!' Ron yells back at Harry that his family is already dead and the two begin to fight it out

More fast action cuts which included a voice over about the demise of Minster of Magic. Then wand play with Bellatrix LeStrange. the last scene we see Harry and Voldormort on brooms dueling it out. EPIC indeed.

Looks like the Director didn't held back on this one folks. the moment you have all been waiting for. Finally you can buy the Bluray Box set once these films are done. your collection is Complete. EXPECTO PATROOONUMMMMMMMM LOL

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