Monday, July 26, 2010


Hello Boys and Girls, what a weekend. Every time i go to comic on the surprises keep coming. well the guys at Everything Geek decided to divided up the work when attending comic con since it is so EPIC. for i will be telling you new movie news. So lets get this show on the road.

On the Green Lantern Panel massive Die Hards with the green ring at hand camped out overnight Hall H to see the first footage of the Green Lantern movie. and it began with just that. here is a brief description since we weren't allowed to tape the footage. Trust us security was tight and had night vision camcorders to check on us. so close your eyes and imagine it if you will.

The foogate opens on black and a glowy green aura appears. A voice narrator emerges : "Attention inhabitants of Sector 2814. The Guardians are testing you. If you have the will, this light will glow." then so it begins the classic montage of.....

Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan who sees the ring and the space ship. Jordan then speaks the oath that every GL fan knows. The famous words, "In brightest day..."

We then see Abin Sur! Jordan is on a city street and is sucked up into the air screaming his ass off with excitement "Woooooah!" we see other scenes of Hal with the ring and what the ring does best... kick asses, lol, There's a green light shining over a city - it's the Green Lantern hub planet of Oa. The teaser ends with a shot of the ring. and the scene ends.


Then the Panel came in, Reynolds, director Martin Campbell, and co-stars Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard and Mark Strong came to meet and greet the fans. Here are some highlights you missed.

- Reynolds says he sees Hal Jordan as a cross between Chuck Yeager and Han Solo. "He's the classic male hero archetype... he's the kind of guy you want to have a beer with. He's witty, he's smart, he's the life of the party...". Reynolds also mentioned that his character is one of these great characters that can "kiss the girl and throw a punch" and that "it's a lot of fun to play". To play this role Reynolds studied a few "Green Lantern" comics in prep for the movie - mainly 'Secret Origins'. He said Geoff Johns told him to think "Star Wars".he stated also that although "it's been fun to train", it wouldn't be a Martin Campbell movie unless someone got hurt. Blake Lively says her only training was having to work so much with Ryan Reynolds, of course the crowd laughed.

Director Marti Campbell says it's a very "straightforward" story that he's bringing to the screen and doesn't want to disappoint the fans. He must have known from the previous comic to movie flops he doesn't want to burn or loose his house. LOL!!!

Reynolds says when the film starts out, Hal Jordan is very "cocky and arrogant" but after his metamorphosis into Green Lantern, he's forced to change his ways for good... well just just a little. Chasing women.....he can't stop that. Peter Sarsgaard says of his role, "There's a fine line between science and wishful thinking. I've thought about the guys who have stretched our thinking ...guys like Carl Saagan.."

Sinestro, according to actor Mark Strong, is "an incredibly organized and fearless component of the Green Lantern Corps." and Reynolds says Green Lantern has a few cool one-on-one fights in the film, including one early on with Sinestro apparently its just the test of he suited is Hal to wear the ring.

Someone asked Reynolds about Deadpool and he stated yes he is doing it after the Green Lantern movie He didn't say whether he prefers to play Deadpool or Green Lantern. He also said he doesn't differentiate between DC and Marvel. I do hope he makes both movies proud. i know his wife Scarlett Johansson is bad ass as the Black Widow and if Reynolds does it well we get Ultimate super couple .lol There you have it folks. More to Come from Everything Geek. also here is a pic of the Green Lantern Poster they had in SDCC. Awsomeee. me needs to get a green lantern shirt my size lol

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