Thursday, January 12, 2012

Smart television coming soon, NOT really!

So following up on the last post about C.E.S. I see TVs the big thing. Massive sizes with incredible features dominated the conversation. So called, "smart" television was all the rage from nearly every television maker. This should be the year where the old way of making t.v. is changed for the better. Of course it won't be, and that shouldn't surprise anyone. If you want to change television into smart television than dump the cable box and buy a game console.

I look at my cable box and realize what a waste of space it is. It's too big, it get too hot, it'll freeze when its too hot, than I have to unplug it and let it reinitialize. It's basically outdated and fairly useless. The main reason I have one is because its mandated by the cable company that I have to have it to watch cable programming. Now in 2012 that has to start changing so that I can use something more advanced to watch my television.

I'm in favor of using a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 to watch my programming. But the reality is that in the next two years those will be phased out for their successors. Also mobile viewing will grow so that change will be interesting to watch. You can't dump the subscription model for viewing channels. No, you can't because if you do only ESPN and HBO would make money. Live sporting events and movies would be the only things worth subscribing to in large numbers. So Oprahs channel wouldn't last a year because the audience would be too small to justify the cost.

The best option is to plug your television to the internet to have your cable and net surfing all together. So why hasn't this happened yet? The technology is there right now. And its been here since you had widgets and now apps on your television.

Lets treat this like we're the Jetsons. But it's not the near future of 2004 and the Earth isn't complete flooded, yet. So soon enough you'll walk into your home, no floor glide on whatever those fake escalators were. You'll go to your couch look at your living room television and than...?

You'll have already set your television to whatever option you wanted to use. Be it voice activated, motion sensor activated for when you walk near it. It'll turn to the appropriate channel for the time that you programmed from your mobile device. So for me the 6pm SportsCenter would come on right away, but in another screen box would be TV Tokyo for the latest episode of whatever the "it" anime is for that period. And it wouldn't even be whats playing live, it would have aired yesterday in Japan. And it would already have the English subtitles attached with it. Of course in the future international boarders won't stop good television from getting into your living room and neither will language.

So than I watch the first 15 minutes of SportsCenter, having paused the anime. And by the way I use voice command and gesture controls with a ten foot radius in my presets. Than I go to my clouddrive where my other shows are stored. I check which shows I have stored I need to catch up on. So the last episode of my favorite show aired two weeks ago. But I couldn't bear to watch it. Even though, I could have streamed it to my tablet while on the flight to Cairo, Egypt. I had it saved to my clouddrive to watch when I'm emotionally ready to handle the finale. So I watch the anime, delete it from my que than take a deep breath and prepare for the worst.

Now none of this is so out of the realm of possibility that it sounds like magic. Its just part of the natural progression of what is already coming. I didn't say the television was an Apple tv, or Sony, or Samsung, or any other manufacturer. It's a television in the future. So whats holding it back from some of this, cable and internet provider companies you say. Not really, my television does need that overgrown cable box. It's an old television that has only one audio and video input for an "advanced" feature. So obviously in 2012 its old by todays standards. Really it's the consumer that slows the process down. It's unfortunate, but true.

It's not just price, if you think about it that television I described sounds like it would be expensive if it were available today. So why wouldn't most people already have a television like that one. It's not just need, cause my current t.v. still works, I haven't rushed for a new one because of that. It's not just want because I really don't watch as much television as I possibly can. Even with internet capabilities I might not increase my viewing. It's just a combination of things. Options abound so why let a television screen in one place hold me down. Yes, it sounds like I'm saying mobile will rule, but I don't think so. It's just too complicated for just one thing to dominate all the other possibilities. So no matter how, "smart" the television I doubt it will be able to keep up with me or the whole world now or in the future.

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