Monday, January 16, 2012

Mel's Recession Rant:: Resident Evil Revelations

Resident Evil Revelations 3DS cost more then the average 3DS game! How much more you ask? $10.00 more. Honestly how does Nintendo let Capcom do this you know they are losing money because of this console and your going to lose more Nintendo!! Today i went to my local Game Stop and was going to reserve the game paying in full but when the cashier rang it up i clenched my hard earn cash with anger and utmost fury for the game i wante$d to start with using my new 3DS cost as much as a regular game. total came out to $55.25 and i had to do a double take stating can you say that one more time. i thought it was because of the pre-order gift which is a hard case for the 3DS but they said it comes with it free. LIKE HELL ITS FREE!!! why so much for this 3DS title? the rep said more content. im like still its a 3DS game its suppose to be 39.99 for all standard 3DS game what makes this special. i took my money and and left and had to go to the internet for some answers and sure enough it is $49.99. im sorry NINTENDO and CAPCOM we are in a RECESSION!!! Why don't you take some the added content out and call it Resident Evil Recessions because the only way im buying this game is when its marked $39.99 LIKE EVERY OTHER 3DS GAME THERE IS- Mel out