Monday, June 6, 2011

Uncharted 3 Kicks off the Games for PS3 on E3

Nice Playable Demo of Uncharted 3 where our Hero Drake is on a Cruise Ship and then enters a Great Hall. and he then sneaks in and takes out the guards. nice Lighting effects so far. drake then moves rooms to room until he reaches the bottom of the ship until he gets caught by baddies. then goes to action scenes and straight to game play action. it then goes to Multilayer and full 3D gaming, then shoes a special preview in 3D. also mentions on October in affliction with Subways you can get access to the full multilayer game before the actual game comes out. Overall i didn't expect any less from this Block Buster Game. Uncharted still has those cinematic moments and back to game play which makes you feel that you are Drake and being adventurous as he always is. Uncharted 3Drakes Deception this November 2011. Save the Date 11-1-11

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