Monday, June 6, 2011

This week is going to be a good one..

This is going to be a shining week in the world of next gen gaming and tech. Mainly because this week is E3 and today is the WWDC 2011 conference. This is the biggest news in the gaming world and the apple computer world. A lot has already been released from E3 including a new Spider-Man Edge of Time trailer,and multiple screenshots from Ninja Gaiden 3 and the new Hitman game. WWDC is suppose to be great this year before the actual conference Apple has talked about IOS 5,OSX Lion and Apple's new cloud service Icloud. This is all going on as we speak or as I type. Stay tuned for any and all updates and hopefully videos from all of the keynotes from E3 and WDCC

Until Next Time Geeks...

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