Monday, June 6, 2011

A Krap load of Kinect titles and other stuff...

There have been some big unveilings from the microsoft keynote this year the from games to dashboard updates. For me the Halo anniversary editions was the biggest news but for most the biggest news is all the new stuff for the Kinect.

Starting with EA they are making a giant leap to the Kinect. Unless I am wrong the first A1 title to have Kinect support is Mass Effect 3 it will support gesture control and voice recognition make the last in the series hopefully great then it already will be...

Also hitting the 360 with standard support and Kinect support is Minecraft this is that sort of cubr craft game that is all the rage online and honestly I cant wait here is a screenshot of the game..

Forza 4 made an appearance at the keynote along with a release date. Look forward to the hardcore racer this October 11.

Last and certainly not the least for Kinect and the new dashboard update is the addition of Youtube and Mickey Mouse Kinect both are scheduled for this fall and I am actually looking forward to both of them..

Until Next Time Geeks...

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