Monday, October 11, 2010

It came, We went, We are all now....

Tired. This years NYC Comic-Con has come and gone but it shall not be forgotten. Much like every the NYC Comic-Con surprises us all by being such a great attraction for geeks and non-geeks alike. There was a lot to do this year. IT started off slow with panels for Robot Chicken and Mad magazine. Then it kicked into full gear with signings and panels from Robert Kirkman and Todd Mcfarlane. Even Frank Miller was there to join in on the festivities.

Below are a few pics of Todd Mcfarlane and Robert Kirkman signing books and posing for the camera.

Like I said in my day 1 post this year Capcom brought Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and my god was it spectacular. Just looking at the start screen featured below in the picture made my eyes tear up. The character selection was very limited but the few that you could play as were unbelievable. A few to name are Deadpool,Dante,Okami,and Viewtiful Joe.

Also making an appearance this year at NYCC was Microsoft's Kinect, I had a very short time with the beta test but from all the features I got to play with at home and the games I got to witness in action at the Con this magnificent system add-on will give Sony's Move a run for it's money. It was so good Cammy and Chun-Li tried it out and well that was just a speechless experience.. I have pics but sad to say I don't have video.

Last but not least one of my favorite artist was at NYC Comic-Con for the second year Andrew Bell. If you don't know him he is the guy who created the Google Android Vinyl toys. He was there selling the Series 1 Android figures and the O-No Sushi vinyl toys. Below are a few pics of Andrew's toys and Andrew at his booth.

This years NYC Comic-con was a huge success. Animefest wasn't lol, stay tuned though for more news on the toys of NYC Comic-Con.

Until Next Time Geeks....

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