Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dj Hero 2 review.

Last year in the Fall Freestyle Games released a title called Dj Hero this title took everyone by storm. It got great reviews and everyone loved playing it, it was the best party game since Mario Party. Mainly because of the great song list and the simple controls.

It has been a year and Freestyle Games is at it again. With the release of Dj Hero 2. I picked up my copy yesterday and played it for a couple of hours and my first impression of it was Freestyle Games you get me. The game has great music and awesome graphics. There are a few new modes and now if you have a mic a friend can join in and sing at you spin and scratch.. A lot of the new music is very pleasing to the ears except for the few that aren't in my musical taste.

One of the biggest added features is the Empire mode it is sort of like Guitar Hero in the sense that at certain parts of the career you have boss battles with other famous Dj's. To name a few Dj Deadmou5 is in the game and Jazzy Jeff but you are going to have to play to find out who they are.

Dj Hero 2 is a great title for anyone who loved the first and wants a semi deeper game experience. Like the first the music is great and everything flows awesomely I will say that it is not really worth the $60 Dollars so if you want the game I suggest you wait till there is a price drop or you trade in some games to get it..

Until Next Time Geeks....

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