Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 2 was even better..

Day 2 of NYC Comic Con was just awesome. I didn't stay as long as I did on the first day but I still had a great time. I was able to talk with reps from Mimoco about their Mimobot line stay tuned for full coverage on that. Today I also got to spend more time with Marvel vs Capcom 3. My god when that game comes out it is going to be incredible. The character selection was scarce but it was still unforgettable. I also got to take a look at the new figures for the Marvel 3/4th line 2011 has a giant sentinel coming out. Also look forward to the X-force version of ArcAngel. That I am particularly excited for. Stay tuned for more coverage and pics from comic con..

Until Next time Geeks.

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