Friday, March 14, 2014

Titanfall the Review.

An it has happened we finally got one of the biggest killer apps on the Xbox One. Back during E3 2013 we all got to see a game that changed the way that we looked at the Xbox One and we all thought it was hype we all thought that everything we saw and heard was going to be too good to be true. True to the contrary it wasn't hype or wishful thinking it was all fact. Titanfall is amazing everything about the game is amazing.

Lets begin with the Campaign from start to end the campaign is about 2 hours on each end you can play as the IMC or Militia. Each is full of there own stories and surprises that I will not ruin for anyone but they are there. The campaign doesn't play like a normal campaign, It is played as a set of multiplayer matches the story still plays out like any other campaign but you still play online randomly with others. An upon beating both sides you can unlock some of the other chassis that can beused in the multiplayer modes. In all honesty the Campaign Multiplayer is lacking it has great story for the first time but it has no depth. It gives you no reason to play it over and over again save for earning the 2 chassis. Not to mention that it gives you no reason at all to understand why they are fighting.

Now to the part of the game that brought out all the hype and has got us all in a stir for the game. The multiplayer, it is split between 6 different modes they are

  • Attrition which is Team Deathmatch
  • Last Titan Standing which is search and destroy. The game starts you off in a Titan and you have to hunt the other teams Titans and destroy them. 
  • Hardpoint which is the Titanfall version of King of the Hill. 
  • Capture the flag which is explanitory
  • Pilot hunter which is a variation of Team Death Match where you only earn points buy killing pilots and not grunts. 
  • An last but not least Variety Pack which just randomizes each game that you play.  
All the modes are fun they will give you hours upon hours of play and will keep you coming back for more my favorite mode is Last Titan Standing.  I love working with my team to totally destroy everyone.

All in all Titanfall is an amazing game it is lacking in some parts but for a game that is strictly all multiplayer it shines like a Titan that is about to go nuclear. It is a great start to show players what the Xbox One has to come.

Until Next Time Geeks.... 

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