Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Legend Of Zeld The Hyrule Historia. A Review.

The Hardcover of the historia. In the normal Zelda colors.

Back in 2011 The Legend of Zelda celebrated its 25th Anniversary. After the release of of Skyward Sword this marked a big year of surprises for one of Nintendo's biggest franchises. Fast forward 2 years and The latest in Nintendo's bag of trick for the franchise is out. An it is called The Hyrule Historia.

The book is a collective time line of all the Zelda games from the first to the latest and everything in between. It also at the end give a brief manga on Skyward sword. The book focuses on the biggest games in the franchise. First is the cult classic Ocarina of Time the book talks about the direction that the developers wanted to go with the game it also shows things like the execution of Ganondorf. To concept art for Link's Legendary steed Epona.

Concept art for Link from Twilight Princess.
Shortly after the book talks about Majoras mask the next in line of epic Zelda games. The books talks about concepts for everything that was featured in the game from the child that steals the mask to the
Fierce Deity Link that is used during boss battles an such.

More Link concept art including Wolf Link.
My favorite part of the book is the chapter on Twilight Princess. Featured in the pictures below are alot of the concept art for most of the main characters in the game. I dont want to ruin anymore of the book so I will say this the book is an amazing buy for anyone that is a huge and do I mean huge Legend Of Zelda fan. It will make a great addition to anyones collection.

Ganondorf and his sword.
You can pick up the book from at this link

Concepts of Princess Zelda and Shiek.
A closer view of the concept art for Twilight Princess, Princess Zelda.
Link and the famous quote from Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening.

 Until Next Time Geeks...

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