Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Art of Bioshock Infinite a book review.

The Slip Cover for the Artbook.
Bioshock infinite has been out now for about 2 weeks it came out in late March an even before coming out it has won a lot of awards in the gaming industry. Much like others games coming out more recently it is following a trend of releasing an artbook along with the game. I usually get things like this for certain franchises but I have to say getting something like this is amazing. The Bioshock universe is notorious for having posters and propaganda all over the city and the game. I am happy to say that there is no shortage of this in the artbook.

Under the slip cover. Is a embossed version in gold of the Image. It is pretty amazing.
Art for the Devil's Kiss Vigor.

Propaganda Art for the Vigor possession.

The first couple of chapters are all the big characters and what they could have looked like. Along with those characters are some of the heavy hitting enemies that you meet in the first couple of hours of the game.
Concept Art for the Prophet statue.

This image is actually in the game.

The rest of the book is amazing scenery that you see everywhere in the game along with these pictures is the imagery. It is spectacular it is hard to believe how much thought goes into something like this but I understand cause not only is the game-play unbelievable but the story too is amazing.
SongBird Concept art.

Elizabeth Concept art.

Another Elizabeth.

Booker Concept art.

The last couple of chapters of the book are what makes the game special the Bioshock propaganda. An they are spectacular. All in all the book is amazing it is the  best $35 dollars you can spend on a coffee table book but if you get the book on it is like $25 dollars as long as you pay for the book get it anyway you want. 

PSA: For a link to the Amazon page click here.

Until Next Time Geeks...

Stay tuned for our review on 2 more books and our Aprils showers horror movie contest.

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