Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Long awaited Portal 2

Portal came out back in 2007 it was a release as part of Valve's Orange Box. The Orange Box was one of the greatest deals for $60 dollars. It was bundled with half-life 2,episode 2, and Team fortress. Now fast forward 4 years and we now have Portal 2. The game takes place a couple of years where the first left off. You again take the role of the Asian woman you played as in the first game.

Valve has incorporated a lot of new content into this game so instead of being just a add on to a bunch of other games it can now stand on its own. Some of this new content for example is the co-op you can now play with another play on the same console or on live to get thorough the rigorous tests that Apeture has in store.

I will say that the game has it's draw backs not many but they are still there. One of them is no leaderboard support without this there is no competition there is no drive to play and play to beat your friends scores. After that I am really happy with this game and I will say that it is a great addition to anyone's collection or if you dont have time it is a great rent..

Until Next Time Geeks..

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