Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Like the pic says is New Comic Book day..

This is another great week for comic books if you are a regular buyer if you are not this is a great week to start.

My first mention of the week is FF #2 this is the second book of the FF run. FF is the story of what happens to the Fantastic Four after losing one of their own; and how the team and their family is coping with the loss( I wont say who it is just in case you haven't read the issue yet.). This is my first mention because it show a lot of promise. There are so many possibilities with this book from tie-ins with Amazing Spider-Man to maybe a new volume of Fantastic Four. So if you have not read it or put it on you pull I recommend that you do.

My second mention of the week is Venom #2 this is the second book to the the newly minted volume of Venom. In this volume of venom the symbiote is no longer used byjust one person it is now in the hands of the US. government and being used by Flash Thompson to run black ops missions. The book is not a Spider-man book so do not get it expecting to see a lot of web slinging and ASM heroics. Get the book though is you are into Venom and love senseless violence and awesome military tech.

Other books to totally lookout for this week are The Walking Dead #84,Amazing Spider-Man #659,and last but not least Deadpool #36. These are some just some of the great books that have come out this week but for a complete list check with your local comic book shop.

Until Next Time Geeks...

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