Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Arkham Knight Delay.

An here it is folks another game joins the delay till 2015 list. Batman Arkham Knight, along with a new trailer an new info on the Batmobile comes news about the delay. Joining such games as the Order 1889 and Mad Max and many others including The Witcher. 2015 is shaping up to be an amazing year for gaming.

I will say though that the new trailer for the Batman is pretty cool. They showcase the Batmobile and all its glory. Also they talk about a new mode for the game called battlemode. Which they will showcase at E3 this year.

So not only is 2015 starting to look like a great year but E3 is going to be a good one too this year. I absolutely cant wait.

Stay tuned for more news and our coverage of E3.

How do you feel about this delay? Tell us how you feel in the comments.

Until Next Time Geeks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate the fact that it is delayed BUT Watch Dogs was worth the wait IMO so I am sure Arkham will be as well