Sunday, June 1, 2014

Watch Dogs the Review.

This is a copy of the limited edition of the game. Steelbook for the win.
Back in 2012 Ubisoft demoed a game that ran with the premise of being a hacker in Chicago and being able to control just about anything with your phone.

After being delayed at the launch of the next gen consoles back in November 2 years of waiting and here Watch Dogs finally is the next gen and for the past gen.

I have put in about 12 hours into the game and I have to say that I love the game I love being able to explore the city and being able to profile the npc's as I walk around this mock up of Chicago. It is cool seeing the things that the characters have done or are doing.

The hacking aspect of the game is amazing. I love being able to hack into traffic lights I also love being able to hack into npc's bank accounts to be able to take some of their money. Enough of the small things lets talk about the big things about the game. You play as Adien Pierce a hacker in Chicago after a small job goes awry you are hunted down by some mysterious person or persons they end up running you off the road and killing your niece. Being that you are a hacker and answers are your forte you want them by any means necessary.

The games controls are pretty easy to get the hang of if you have played any version of GTA you will totally get them really quickly. The campaign in the game is about 15 hours of game play and it is great. Now to what I feel is the best part of the game the hacking and online multiplayer. In the multiplayer you are online and you can ether hack another character or you can play the games version of capture the flag. The online hacking is pretty cool it will give you hours of gameplay and fun with friends cause there is an online co-op where you and a friends can play together and explore the city.

All in all the game is great I have 3 quarrels with the game not many but they are there. One I am not very happy that you cant attack or fight someone unless you on a mission you can shoot them but you cant beat them with yor expandable baton. Two I am not very happy with the driving some would say that it is really stiff I would say that it is really sensitive and the area in the map is pretty small so it is easy to crash into things. An third I feel like this is the biggest one of all you can shoot while you are in your car. You have to chase the person and then get out of your car then shoot at them.

Stay tuned guys I am holding a contest for a copy of the game and the guide.

Until Next Time Geeks......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The driving is quirky but it is car specific so I can overlook this. As for no drive bys Aiden isn't a "criminal" he's just very talented and misunderstood LOL