Sunday, April 15, 2012

Women of Rock, J-Rock

So I get word that L'Arc~En~Ciel were finally coming to Madison Square Garden. That was great but that's another post. Something happened around that same time though. A friend of mine told me about another concert that would take place a week before L'Arc~En~Ciel. The band was a Visual Kei band but they were all women. Quick background on Visual Kei imagine the 1980's Motley Crue, Prince, and Gothic Lolilita crossed with some Beethoven and Guns and Roses with occasional power ballads. That's the style and sound of Visual Kei. Now imagine five Japanese women doing this, that is Exist Trace.

I go to the concert not sure what to expect but hope for a good time. What I got was loads of awesome from five ladies who are on their way to big huge rockstars. The place was called the Hiro Ballroom, easily missed and not very different from B.B. Kings in Times Square. The opening act was forgettable but I've seen worse, the band that opened for X-Japan still hold that crown. I missed the other band but heard they were good. Than comes the main event and man what show. The lead singer Jyou has the crowd from the opening lyrics. And than we're off and running.

The other girls Lead guitar Omi can just play flat out. Miko the cute one, does the second guitar justice and can play better than what someone would think just by looking at her. Naoto is the goth bassist but can keep everything together as a bassist should. Than Maiiy plays the drum as well as any man I've seen. Together they are Exist Trace. The music works. I expect at some point one of their songs will be part of some anime and when it is I'll be listening and so should you. The rest is pictures anymore is YouTube for you.

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