Friday, April 13, 2012

Resident Evil Operation Raccon City Review

(The Image above is me and i mean the zombie who is about the get shot in the head reviewing this game)

I have been dreading the day that i would have to review this game and put it on the blog. it has been a tough 3 weeks playing this game and i regret to inform you that Capcom's zombie squad base shooter is such a let down that i would like to end the review right here. Unfortunately it wouldn't be fair to the viewers so i will do it out of respect to the people who read our blog and especially i must do this for the Hard Core RE Fans like myself since some of you who may be on the fence with this game, its safe to tell you know please get off the fence and don't bother going over it, and so begins my review for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City.

Since Days of old where Capcom tried to make their multiplayer version of Resident Evil Outbreak it was safe to say that Capcom didn't learn their lesson and made an Outbreak 2, then they thought "ok lets change it up a little and lets focus on today's multiplayer platform games, Gears of War, Halo Reach, Call of Duty what do they have in common.... Games with great multiplayer as well as coop play. and you know what they tried to be like us as well adding Zombies in the mix. WE ARE THE SURVIVOR HORROR DAMMIT!!!! LETS TAKE IT TO THEM GUYS" Capcom rejoice and so brings us to Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City.

ORC puts players behind the scenes of Resident Evil 2 and 3, particularly that disastrous outbreak in Raccoon City. You play as members of the Umbrella Security Service (USS) retrieving virus samples and destroying all evidence of Umbrella's involvement in the process. So the concept is there squad base team check, multiplayer coop check, zombies, check. So what could go wrong.... EVERYTHING!!!!

lets go with AI when playing single player: The AI of team members and enemies is so horrible that if you really want to see chicken with their heads cut off play this game. While it's preferable to play with friends, I was still stunned by how useless the computer-controlled teammates were. There is no way you can control you team from just standing their while your getting your ass handed to you from running into empty rooms, stumbling on trip mines. Your team offers no real backup or assistance, and there's very little incentive to even revive them when they die For a team-based shooter, this is absolutely unacceptable. i thought ok they must have an update to fix this. NOTHING. lets go on with Ammo as well. no matter how much ammo you have or what weapon you have it guns and ammo is so off a balance that you if you equip a sniper and shoot for the head of a zombie it still not going down until 4 to 5 try attempts. As if that weren't enough, the aiming is bad at times, is completely broken and enemy damage is somewhat random. Again you can unload an entire clip into a BOW and it won't do nothing, at other times a couple of bullets and the zombies is down, it just the luck of the draw. The melee attack is also way overpowered shoot at most time i prefer it to the weapons i have since they don't do anything to the enemy, in ORC, you can hack and slash your way through parts of the game.While you do see Leon, Jill, and the rest of the gang in this shooter its still not enough to make this game playable, maybe if you only want to see what happens for the story and if your a true RE fan you will have to go on through it and just live with yourself that you had to play this game to get more story but NOT WORTH THE FULL PRICE. That is all for now. (please keep in mind i was holding alot back so be grateful it wasn't any longer then it had to be LOL)

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