Friday, February 10, 2012

Me's Recession Rant:: Resident Evil Revelations has been answered plus review

it seemed that Capcom heard my prayers and stated the price for Resident Evil Revelations is back to the $39.99 price point. Capcom stated that Resident Evil Revelations would break the $39.99 price barrier & release at the high price of $49.99 – making it the first $49.99 game on the 3DS & debut title to make use of a 4GB game card. However, Capcom announced today that the price of Resident Evil: Revelations will be marked down to $39.99 when it sees release on February 7th. i think they were trying to pull a fast one on the consumers thinking we would pay a $49.99 dollar price game where all the other standard 3DS games for $39.99. I THINK NOT. well as soon as i found out i went and bought the game and here is my review of it

From what i can tell the game is going back to its roots via Resident Evil 1 days, creepy in dark environments and in one place survival horror game, Resident Evil: Revelations splices the survival horror DNA of classic Resident Evil with the new, brisker strain of Resident Evils 4 and 5. The result isn't an Umbrella-style crime against nature, but a hybrid: an optimum mix of tense, creepy exploration and stop-and-shoot action, telling a tale of bio-terrorism and unwise genetic meddling aboard an abandoned ocean liner. With a 10-hour story campaign, and is one of the games to show the 3DS full potential to date it's a meaty slab of a single-player adventure. and did i mention its 3D is really tense once you put the setting all the way up and in the dark. Some moments are not scary as others but still good overall fun Resident Evil: Revelations Review

Revelations is a successful blend of old-school Resident Evil horror and new-school action.

The Good

Taut stop-and-shoot action just like the classic RE 1, Creepy atmosphere, Great visuals, especially in 3D and entertaining story.

The Bad

Unengaging new characters (why do Chris and Jill have sidekicks if they are not going to do anything )i think Chris and Jill would have been fine and thats all you need to bring back old school survival horror.

The story

Veteran Zombie Bashers Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield return, both in the service of the Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA), but not as partners. The game is set after Resident Evil 4 and before 5, in the wake of a bioterrorist attack in which the high-tech island city of Terragrigia gets obliterated. Chris is paired with the flirty Jessica Sherawat, and Jill with Parker Luciani, a BSAA agent with a dubious Italian/Irish accent, i can't never tell once he talks. The story plays out in TV-style, bite-sized episodes, each sandwiched between a "previously on Resident Evil: Revelations" recap and a cliff-hanger ending. It's a fun format for the compellingly hammy melodramatics of Resident Evil tradition. can someone say "master of Unlocking" lol

Much of the early game is spent playing as Jill or Chris in search of each other on a giant ship of horrors with your respective AI partner in tow. The new partners aren't hugely engaging--when you first meet Jessica, she's in shorts and ankle warmers, moaning about the cold on an arctic mission--but you're at least not responsible for their safety, since they can't be killed. One of the most atmospheric portions is one that also most resembles old-school, haunted-house Resident Evil: Jill wakes up in a ship's cabin and has to venture alone

The pace alternates between slower segments of cautious exploration and fraught sequences similar to Metroid Prime style which work for this 3Ds plat-former where you fight off waves of mutants while waiting almost everywhere. In the slower sections, sinister ambiance and the good old fashion jump scared in fright, while you navigate ship corridors and dim rooms on the hunt, generally, for a key. Overall the game is fun for the RE fan in you or something new to see how powerful 3Ds can be.

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