Monday, August 9, 2010

Star Wars Inspires again

This track Jacket is as you can tell from the tag Boba Fett's it is a pretty good representation of his armor and I wouldnt mind wearing it at the gym..

This pair is modeled after Han Solo after he is put into carbonite in Empire Strikes back.

R2D2 & C3PO Sneakers they dont actually come like this they are sold in individual pairs but they would have been better like this..

Boba Fett themed sneakers

Adidas is finally getting into the Star Wars themed sneaker and track jacket market. Like you see in the pictures Adidas is putting into production sneakers and clothing modeled after some of the best scenes from Star Wars and the greatest thing about it also is that they are themed after the true and greatest first trilogy. I am not sure when these are set to hit online stores and footlocker but as soon as I know more I promise that you will too..

Until Next Time Geeks..

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