Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Microsoft Reveals New 360 Controller is a Transformer

The Guys from Microsoft thought of an idea. why not make another controller that will cost 60.00 Dollars but will have a nifty D Pad that transformers. we will make it more sturdier and more solid. but it does the same thing.... give or take a few dollars. Well this is what i think of the 360 controller as you can see by the image the color buttons are gone and added black in white buttons, also the D pad changes form by turning it. Here is a video of Major Nelson Introducing the new controller. well it does look nice but for the price? i leave that up to you.

Here is the video for more indepth review of the new controller



YES FOLKS THE GUYS FROM SONY MADE ANOTHER PSP BUT THIS TIME WITH KRATOS ARM DECAL BEHIND THE PSP..... ok just kidding but its pretty nice a two toned black and red psp bundled with not 1 but 2 God of war Games, and a Kick Ass UMD Movie. lol more details below:

* Black and Red Two-Toned PSP-3000
* God of War: Ghost of Sparta UMD Game
* God of War: Chains of Olympus PlayStation Network Downloadable Game Voucher
* Kick Ass – UMD Movie
* 2 GB Memory Stick Pro Duo

That's a limited edition type offer, via the Metal Gear Sperment Green Edition. so jump on it if you're feeling the urge to Pound the GODS lol. I personaly love the Metal Gear Big Boss Pack which was the cameo version of the psp for the same price which is 200.00 in change, but im a huge GOD of War Fan and this is a must for me at $199.99 what can go wrong with that..... well it is the recession. but what the heck lol Later peeps

Thursday, August 26, 2010

This is our 100th Post..

I know it has been a while since Mel and I posted something but trust me the wait was so worth it. This my friends is the 100th post and being that it is our 100th post Mel and I are doing something special. We are holding a contest yes that is right folks a contest. This will be our first ever "Make Us Laugh Contest". All you have to do is leave a comment saying something funny be it a story a joke or a picture. We will look at all the posts and then Mel and I will pick the one we find the funniest. And trust me the prize all in itself will be awesome..

On to other things since we haven't posted in a couple of days lets talk about some of the things that have happened in the geek world lately. First September 7th apple will be holding an event to possibly show off their new models for the Ipod Touch and Ipod Classic. This sounds credible though because apple in known for doing things like this in early September it is sort of the Apple norm.

Second Mafia 2 was released this week. I was a avid fan of Mafia on the xbox so I had to go pick up this game. It is an awesome game the story mode is great and all the guns and driving make it worth while. What I do not like though is being in a sandbox world and not being to able to play with the sand. That is the biggest drawback in this game. So if you are a fan of the GTA series I suggest you dont get this game because of all the plotted courses. Kane and Lynch 2 is also out it came out last week on August 16th and it is not bad much like the first the game is centered around co-op play and multiplayer. I will say do not get this game if you are planning to play it by yourself. You will get bored really quickly and end up trying to sell the game or return it. If you do play online and enjoy getting screamed at by little punks with mics you will love this game and it will be a great fix for Halo till Reach comes out..

It is the end of August and school is starting soon. But with the end of the summer comes the beginning of the gaming holiday first on the list are 2 games that I have been watching since I saw the previews at the videogame awards. Halo Reach is scheduled for release on September 14th. This is going to be the last Halo title from Bungie so expect to be amazed. The second is Star Wars the Force unleashed 2. This title is set to be released October 26th. If you liked the first in the series you are going to love this. With multiple changes and a great new story line to be added to the story ark of Star Wars this is going to be very enjoy able.

This has been a great summer full of releases and new on top comic movies and absolutely not least the Iphone 4. September is rearing it's ugly head so I suggest that you have fun while you can now and enter our contest as soon as you can for a really awesome prize.

The last day to enter the contest is Midnight on Spetember 7th. So please enter and try to make us laugh..

Until Next Time Geeks....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Batman Arkham City.

Today in the mail I got my new issue of Gameinformer. And let me tell you this issues was very informative and exciting. The Issues main story is Batman: Arkham City this game is going to be awesome the article opens up with the a short story wrap up. Basically it has been about 2 years since the Arkham asylum incident and Warden Sharp has used the incident to get himself into the Mayoral seat in Gotham. With this power he decided to rearrange arkham and create Arkham City it is basically a city of the coast of Gotham with all of the cities prisoners in it. The biggest rule there is if you try to escape we kill you on sight. Two face is a new inmate to the city and he wants to show that he is top dog so he decided to put Cat Woman on trial and have a public execution. Soon after Batman save Cat Woman and lays a beat down on Two face. The really story unravels apparently The Joker has a plan for Batman and Gotham City one that will end with a bang. I am so preordering this game now I hope the limited edition is going to be as awesome as the first was. Enjoy the screen shots..

Until Next Time Geeks.....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

It finally is going to happen in 2011...

George Lucas at a V event during the weekend announced to the press that in 2011 the one and only true trilogy will be coming to bluray. Yes thats right folks Star Wars is coming to bluray Lucas has promised that it is going to be amazing but at the same time he can not promise that the first 3 films will look that good. Really though only time will tell nothing has been said yet about release date or single releases but what we do know is that all the movies will be coming out as a whole pack. So how ever they come out all i can really tell you is that it is going to be awesome and I am willing to camp out for it....

Until Next Time Geeks..

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fable limited edition controller...

Fable fans are going to rejoice I know I am. Microsoft in honor of Fable 3 is releasing a limited edition controller for the xbox 360. The controller is modeled after the Albion crown and it looks great in my opinion. The controller will come out on Oct. 5th so you will have enough time to get it before the game hits stores on Oct. 26th. So if you really want this controller and the game I suggest you go pre order it now...

Happy Friday the 13th everyone

So to day is one of those days no really big news for gaming and the geek world, a not tody is the day that one of the only games on the planet that cannot be played properly even by billion dollar supercomputers gets its sequel dated. Thats right everyone crysis 2 is set to ship March 22nd 2011. I dont know about you guys but I am damn excited because this is going to be on everything except the wii.. and I cant wait especially sonce the game is going to take place in NYC. Well for right now this is all i know for sure but when I know more you will

Until Next time geeks...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bioshock Infinite

Today the creators of Bioshock 1 & 2 released a trailer for their new game Bioshock Infinite. From what I saw in the trailer the game much like the first 2 is to be set in a city that is closed off from the rest of the world and people have powers. Not much was really shown from the trailer but I will say that what i have seen looks to be very promising. The game is set to release sometime in 2012 for all the systems including pc and excluding wii. I will say go check out the trailer at any of the big gaming sites. I will also tell you that When I know more I you will know more..

Until Next Time Geeks...

Call of Duty Black Ops Limited editions.

Like the title says there are 2 versions of the limited editions of the new call of duty game due out in November. The first is the regular limited edition this version of the game will include a copy of the game a black ops medal and a special costume for your avatar. This will cost you about $80. The other limited edition of the game will come with everything that comes with the regular but it will also come with a special remote controlled surveillance camera. This little gadget is modeled after one of the gadgets used in the multiplayer portion of the game. this version of the game will cost you about $150. So I suggest depending on which ever you want you go reserve it now..

Until Next Time Geeks....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dont Update...

Update:Saurik and the dev team are working to fix this exploit without having to update to IOS 4.0.2 so we can after all have our cake and eat it too lol..

Apple released an update to the IOS now it is IOS 4.0.2 this gets rid of the exploit used by jailbreakme.com. So if you want to keep your unlock and your jailbreak I suggest that you dont update your Iphone 4 IOS.. Hopefully though the dev team and Comex is working on something to get around this fix. And if you already updated your iphone 4 I suggest you restore it to a lower firmware..

Until Next Time Geeks...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Assassins Creed Brotherhood Limited edition.

Here it is folks the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood limited edition. this edition of the game comes with the following. A map of Rome,a hardcover artbook,2 multiplayer maps for those who will play it and last but not least the creepiest of the whole thing a jack in the box. This is not set to only the gamestop limited edition this is for all companies that will sell the game I.e best buy etc. The only thing that will be different is the Jack in the actual box some companies will have a harle quinn and the gamestop versions will for sure have the plague doctor. The game is set to release in November so i suggest you take a page out of my book and pre oerder it..

Until next time geeks.....

Star Wars Inspires again

This track Jacket is as you can tell from the tag Boba Fett's it is a pretty good representation of his armor and I wouldnt mind wearing it at the gym..

This pair is modeled after Han Solo after he is put into carbonite in Empire Strikes back.

R2D2 & C3PO Sneakers they dont actually come like this they are sold in individual pairs but they would have been better like this..

Boba Fett themed sneakers

Adidas is finally getting into the Star Wars themed sneaker and track jacket market. Like you see in the pictures Adidas is putting into production sneakers and clothing modeled after some of the best scenes from Star Wars and the greatest thing about it also is that they are themed after the true and greatest first trilogy. I am not sure when these are set to hit online stores and footlocker but as soon as I know more I promise that you will too..

Until Next Time Geeks..

Thursday, August 5, 2010

And we finally have it....

The sequel title to one of the best games of 2009. Around December during the Spyke TV Videogame awards the released a very awesome trailer during the show it was for the sequel to maybe one of the best Batman games ever created. Batman Arkham Asylam well Waner Bros. Interactive and Rocksteady games have finally released the title to what is going to be a most anticipated sequel entitled Batman Arkham City. Arkahm city is a little island off the coast of Gotham it big enough to house Arkham an all its baddies. Not much is known yet about this game except that this will be the last time that Luke Skywalker AKA Mark Hamill will dawn the voice of The Joker. As soon as I know more though I will spill the beans. I will say though that look forward to a ether a late 2010 release or an early 2011...

Until Next Time Geeks..

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Apple cant fight this..

Today is another day you have all been waiting for well at least if you want to have an iphone 4 on a different carrier then At&t. The Dev team has released ultrasnow for the iphone 4 this updated version of ultrasnow will work on all basebands of the iphone 4/3g/3gs. So far i have not tried this out yet since I am still waiting for my Iphone 4 to come in from Canada. But when I know more you guys will be the first to know...

Until Next Time Geeks..

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We got another one...

Mel and I have been hard at work giving you the best information that we possibly can give you. I hate to say it though but sometimes we are stretched too thin and we need a little help. So I am introducing Kennedy Bhagwandeen aka Spiritninja66. He will post from time to time so that Mel and I are not stretched too thin. I hope you enjoy his articles as much as Mel and I do so stay tuned.

Monday, August 2, 2010

They did it again.

The dev team and comex have just released a new jailbreak for the new ios this jailbreak brings us back to the old school. Like one of the very first releases you will have to use Jailbreakme.com from your safari browser. The release happened yesterday and so far people have been blowing up the server so badly that they have just stopped responding. I recently just purchased my iphone 4 and am currently waiting for it to ship. But I have to say that as soon as I get it I will jailbreak it. There was a mild problem with the jailbreak the whole losing facetime and mms feature but that was solved with a small update in cydia. I hope all of you that are going to jailbreak your iphone get too. Enjoy it, it is now legal lol...

Until Next time geeks..