Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Robo Geisha Review at Japan Society NYC

Yesterday was a great day to watch a over the top no sense Ass Katana fighting robot half human half Geisha flick. ROBOGEISHA!the name says it all geeks, what more do you want. From the same team that brought us MACHINE GIRL and the special effects gurus behing TOKYO GORE POLICE comes ROBOGEISHA which from the title looks the best movie you will see in 2010 lol. On May 18, 2010 a friend of mine invited me to see an advance screening of this movie as well as a Q n A from the Director live from Japan from The story is about two sisters, one who is a Geisha and the other who is not,but then a Steel Manufacturing Company man ask the sister to become more then just a Geisha but one of the best world assassins who pretend to be Geisha's in order to take down the evil politicians and evil doers of Japan. The older sister became jealous and ask be part of the organization as well. Since the company deals in steel and robotic technology, both sisters were upgraded to some high tech armor such as katanas coming out of there asses, Cannons and bullets coming out of there chest and hair. This Movie overall is a combination of Power Rangers, Geishas, whole lot of blood mixed in with comedy dipped in acid.....for 10 hours. It's that good. I highly recommend this film if your into this genre or if your not. the ass katana and armpit blades alone make this movie worth the money. After the flick director Noboru Iguchi was live in Tokyo Japan where he answered a few questions as well as showing the audience his own ass. Very funny guy. Well ROBOGEISHA will appear in the NEW YORK ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL 2010 so be sure to check their site for more information.

if you want to see a trailer of the film go here.

ROBOGEISHA will also be coming to dvd from FUNimation

This is the sort of crazy, going out of your mind flick that will make you believe in the art of movies again... that or you will get high from just viewing the trailer. Till Next time.

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