Monday, May 10, 2010

It is finally here Iron Man 2..

Iron Man came out summer 2008 and unlike most Marvel movies it was a hit. Everything thing from the cg animation to the acting to the story was great. When it was over everyone wanted more and hoped there would be more in the summer of 2009 Iron Man 2 was announced everyone knew it was going to happen we just didnt know when it would.

Now that it is here let me start by saying that the movie was amazing. I dont usually pay for movie tickets I usually wait till it comes out on dvd and then my friends and I rent it and watch but for this movie I just couldnt wait. The movie is set 1 year exactly after the first; Iron Man is ridiculously famous and the government wants his suit so they can protect America but common everyone know why they really want it. As the movie progresses you find out in more detail about Tony's current situation which isnt looking good after about a hour of him screwing up he is soon visited by the Marvel fairy and given a chance to fix his current predicament. Soon after the fireworks start and the movie (corny as it may sound) kicks it into overdrive. Just like anygood movie Iron Man 2 has its highs and lows in its story and plot lines but all in all it was an amazing movie and I hope you take the time to go see it and enjoy it...

Also stay tuned for reviews on Lost Planet 2,Red Dead Redemption, and Prince of persia the forgotten sands.

Until next time geeks...

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