Friday, May 28, 2010

Mark Hamill is done son done... LOL..

When Batman Arkham Asylum was announced everyone including your mom was excited. We got even more excited when we heard that all the original voice actor from Batman the Animated series would be taking there the stage to voice the characters in the game. When the sequel was announced again everyone was excited. And again everyone is going to be voice by there original voice actor. Mark Hamill though has said that this will be the last time that he will voice the character. He told rocksteady that nothing will ever be as good as the first but after rocksteady told him what they have planned for the game he said yes. And regrettably this will be the last time that Mark Hamill will dawn the purple blazer and white makeup for The Joker..

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Natal going to be $150 and Bundled with the Arcade for $300..

When Natal was revealed in 2008 at E3 everyone and myself was really surprised that Microsoft was making the move to Motion sensing. I was skeptical until I saw all the things that you can do with natal connected to your 360. Now after about a 2 years later the Natal system has a release month October but not a date. Since there is finally a month for release there are pricing and bundling rumors running about. Some being that the Natal add on will be $150 by itself and it will also have a Arcade Bundle for $300. Honestly it doesnt sound so bad. Now all we have to do is wait to see the pricing on Sony's move system.

Airbender Toys are relased for July Block Buster

if your a geek then you love Avatar the last Airbender and this summer the movie is finally arrivied. and yes what better way to show the love for this then to show some new toys that hit the shelves at Toys R Us Times square. Toys such as the staff that Ang uses and the big bison himself Appa. Check it out

Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands (I know it is late.)

Late last year Ubisoft released a revamped version of Prince of Persia. Titled Prince of Persia LOL. The games was not so bad I really enjoyed the cell shading and and the new story ark that Ubisoft has created. That was me though everyone who played the sands of time and anything from the trilogy hated it. In order to fix all the hate and get on their good sides Ubisoft has released The Forgotten Sands.

The story takes place right before The Warrior Within. The Prince is sent to live with his brother Malik so he can learn to become a Great King. But like most Prince of Persia games it begins with him walking into a Battle. So after again like all games something is released to be exact Malik releases what they think is King Solomons Army but actually it is something worse. So you are tasked but the Jin yeah I said the Jin to recapture the Army.

The gameplay is not so bad the fighting is some what missing something for my taste but it is fun it is simple yet compelling. What you will be most happy about if you loved the first 3 games is the platforming it is great. It helps you forget all the wrongs in this game. All the other people that have played this game have been reporting glitches but after 3 hours I have not found any and lets hope that I dont. All in all if you a Prince of Persia fan get this game it will be a great fix for the first 3 and it will fill you with Nostalgia. But if you want to get the easy achievements just rent it.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Review

Hello Fellow Geeks as we all know Super Mario Galaxy 2 continues from Super Mario Galaxy 1. the question is does it play any different. When I first started this game I felt like wow I did this before and thought, man did Nintendo drop the ball on their prize fighter game…..

The story so far is the same with most Super Mario Games. Bowser kidnaps the Princess. Mario goes out and retrieves her. Nuff said with that the game play is similar to the first one but slowly takes things to the next level to the point where the game goes in directions and levels beyond the galaxy world. You will also have help along the way with Mario's Right Hand and Loyal Dino Yoshi where you both fly across the galaxy fighing Bowsers Baddies. You thought you seen it all in Super Mario Galaxy then you are mistaken. Nintendo didn’t disappoint when creating this sequel. When it comes to the wii titles, Super Mario is the number 1 in Nintendo’s arsenal. A lot of the levels the game is similar to the original but once you get into it the game delivers new and unique challenges. For example levels change with a flick of a button, Mario will be pulled up to the ceiling of a level into the floor, and pipes that Mario enters in a closed area take you inside the planet where a whole new world emerges. The Graphics are visually stunning and beautiful as well as colorful on you HDTV. The Sound is also superb as you here the sounds of classic Mario to the new renditions of the galaxy planets around you, who says in space no one can here you scream…. Well maybe not scream but at least Mario makes a jump sound and you hear it nice and clear on your tv, lol. The Game play like I said is similar to the first game but gets challenging once you progress through it. Overall The game is fun for all ages as well as the hardcore Mario Fans out there. You will not be disappointed buying this game.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Robo Geisha Review at Japan Society NYC

Yesterday was a great day to watch a over the top no sense Ass Katana fighting robot half human half Geisha flick. ROBOGEISHA!the name says it all geeks, what more do you want. From the same team that brought us MACHINE GIRL and the special effects gurus behing TOKYO GORE POLICE comes ROBOGEISHA which from the title looks the best movie you will see in 2010 lol. On May 18, 2010 a friend of mine invited me to see an advance screening of this movie as well as a Q n A from the Director live from Japan from The story is about two sisters, one who is a Geisha and the other who is not,but then a Steel Manufacturing Company man ask the sister to become more then just a Geisha but one of the best world assassins who pretend to be Geisha's in order to take down the evil politicians and evil doers of Japan. The older sister became jealous and ask be part of the organization as well. Since the company deals in steel and robotic technology, both sisters were upgraded to some high tech armor such as katanas coming out of there asses, Cannons and bullets coming out of there chest and hair. This Movie overall is a combination of Power Rangers, Geishas, whole lot of blood mixed in with comedy dipped in acid.....for 10 hours. It's that good. I highly recommend this film if your into this genre or if your not. the ass katana and armpit blades alone make this movie worth the money. After the flick director Noboru Iguchi was live in Tokyo Japan where he answered a few questions as well as showing the audience his own ass. Very funny guy. Well ROBOGEISHA will appear in the NEW YORK ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL 2010 so be sure to check their site for more information.

if you want to see a trailer of the film go here.

ROBOGEISHA will also be coming to dvd from FUNimation

This is the sort of crazy, going out of your mind flick that will make you believe in the art of movies again... that or you will get high from just viewing the trailer. Till Next time.

More Star Wars Avatar Items.

This Friday marks the 30th birthday of one of the greatest films every made no it is not that crap shit Scarface. If is Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back to celebrate the birthday of this fantastic film Lucasarts is releasing Avtar Items on the Xbox Live Marketplace. I am not sure what the pricing is for each of the items are but when I find out I will update everyone.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Red Dead Redemption Review.

Back in 2004 Rockstar the creators of Grand Theft Auto and pretty much nothing else. Ventured into something many have tried and very few have succeeded at the Western genre. With the release of Red dead revolver the western genre was revolutionized by Rockstar it was one of their highest rated games that was not a GTA. Six year later comes their sequel Red dead Redemption.

After about 2 hours into the game I can say that it is awesome. In the grand scheme of things the game is much larger and robust then its predecessor. The world is now open much like GTA and there are no longer leveled mission it is all open world. Dont get me wrong some will say that this is GTA with the western theme slapped onto it which is right but if you give it a chance you will enjoy it as much as you did the first one.

The story take place several years after the first you are John Marston federal agents have threatened your family into making you work for them. Your mission is to hunt down your old crew and bring them to justice. I am still pretty early into the game but again I will say if you enjoy the western genre or even if you dont you should give this game a try. It is a great fix until they announce and release the next GTA game.

Stay tuned for a Review of Prince of Persia The forgotten sands..

Saturday, May 15, 2010

What Mario Galaxy 2 will look like in disc form..

Kotaku the other day showed us what Mario Galaxy 2 will look like in disc form if you didnt see it on their site I have it here..

If you baby was the Master Chief this would be his helmet...

The special effects warehouse Weta at one time or another was contracted to build the helmets for failed director Peter Jackson's Halo movie since that King Kong making douche has failed the company is making a commemorative 1/4 scale helmets. These are the 3 that will be released and they will cost about $60 each

Fable 3 has its boxart...

Fable 3 was announced last year about a year or so after the release of Fable 2 everyone including me is excited about the game. Even some of the non-rpg items in the game sound awesome. A lot is still unknown about the game but what I do know is that the boxart is awesome and it is apparently on PC and 360 and it is tagged with that famous only on live tag..

Pokemon Black & White finally get their starters..

A couple of weeks ago The Pokemon Company announced a new pokemon game entitled black and white they show pics of all the surroundings and thing like that but they did not show the new starters. Until now all I have are their Japanese names
  • The first is a grass snake pokemon his name is Tsuatja.
  • The second is the fire pig pokemon his name is pokabu.
  • The last is the sea otter pokemon Mijumaru.
When I know more about their American names I will fill you all in..

Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Friday everyone..

Earlier this week Bethesda released information and pictures on a limited edition version of Fallout New Vegas well today I have a picture of the official boxart that will be used for the game. It doesnt look too bad and it is definitely better then most out their. So when this game comes out and you see the boxart remember that we didnt bring it to you first but we did bring it to you. Lol.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Futurama is back!!!!

Best Furturama Billboard...

The long and I mean long awaited sixth season of the highly acclaimed show is set to air June 24th. All i have to say is I cant wait this show is awesome it has everything and more. If you cant wait for the air date I suggest you check out the 2 or is it 3 movies they are a good fix for futurama fever(if you dont have it get). Again it is set to air June 24th on comedy central. I hope you can catch it.

Until next time..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Life SIze Evangelion..... its about time!!!!

Does anyone remember Evangelion an anime that came out in 1995. Got to love Giant robots fighting to save their world or a world for that matter. lol well after all is said and done about this anime including a live movie where the CG effects are coming from the same people who did the effects for the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, but then again we are not going to talk about that. I'm just excited to bring the news to you, that's all. What i am going to talk to you about is Fuji-Q HighLand amusement park in Japan around Mt Fuji has announced on Wednesday that it will open a new structure called "Evangelion: World - Life-Size EVA-01 Construction Project" which will hit July 23, 2010. Within this dome will house the first ever life-size recreation of the scene where the Evangelion anime's main character Shinji Ikari meets the Eva-01 unit for the first time. The recreation will have a mockup of the Evangelion unit from the bust up. So if you ever wondered how Shinji felt when seeing the EVA- 01 then take a flight to Japan and find out lol. Now i have another thing on my list besides going to the Ghibli Museum and eating 100 dumplings, getting a world record and not paying for them, don't forget sumo wrestling. if you want to see more of the article head to for more info or you can click on this site.

Till next time geeks

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lost Planet 2 Review.

Lost Planet was a title released about a year or so after the 360 was released the story centered around a a planet named E.D.N. III a planet that was slowly being terraformed. At the time it was a great game its story was some what original and the game mechanics were great.

After 3 years here is the sequel it deos not state how far after the first this is set but the planet is no longer all snowy and icy thermal energy still plays a big role in the game though much like in the first and the funny thing like in the first if you dont have any you die. There are some major changes in the sequel one being the introduction of giant akrid. The akrid are the original inhabitants of the planet and like in the first game they play a big role as enemies and boss fights. Along with Akrid though you still have to deal with human enemies and other surprises.

After about 2 hours into the game I can say that it is not half bad I know that it has been getting some terrible reviews but in my opinion it is still a pretty good game. I will say that you will have more fun if you played with more people. Lost planet 2 is a great game and it is a great fix for anyone who loved to play Mech Assault. So whether you buy rent or borrow i recommend you try this title out.

Bethesda announces Fallout New Vegas Limited Edition

If you are like me you were very excited to hear that Bethesda is releasing a Fallout game this year. Today they have just released some information on the limited edition of the game much like the first it is awesome. The edition will include 7 chips from the casinos in the game a lucky 38 platinum chip a deck of cards and various character art. This version of the game will also include a hardcover graphic novel and as many limited editions include a making of the game dvd. Bethesda has not yet released a msrp on this product but Gamestop has it listed for the p3 and Xbox 360 for 79.99 each and on pc for 69.99. As soon as i get more info you will get it too..

Ubisoft officially announces Assassins Creed Brotherhood.

Last week a placeholder card was leaked from Gamestop for the new Assassins Creed game which lead to Ubisoft acknowledging that there was going to be a new Assassins Creed game on the way. Today Ubisoft gave out details about the game. You again take the mantle of Ezio Auditore but now you are in Rome. Not much is known story wise but from what I read you now are able to train others to be assassins and now instead of raising fund to rebuild your villa you raise money to fix up Rome. This new game will include many new features including new weapons and a new flying machine which can be used for more then one level. I cant wait for this release look forward to a fall release.

Until next time geek..

Monday, May 10, 2010

XBOX 360 Slim coming out this Year?

Word on the street is that Microsoft will be making a slimmer version of the xbox 360 to pair off against Sony's PS3 Slim. reported and even showed images of the new motherboard. Does this mean since the 360 will have a make over will the system be Red Ring of Death Free. In the past MS have been adding warranty over warranty to the Xbox 360 because of the constant overheating of their system. let s hope so i need a new system and will be waiting till the announcement. more to come. Later fellow Geeks. Thanks to

It is finally here Iron Man 2..

Iron Man came out summer 2008 and unlike most Marvel movies it was a hit. Everything thing from the cg animation to the acting to the story was great. When it was over everyone wanted more and hoped there would be more in the summer of 2009 Iron Man 2 was announced everyone knew it was going to happen we just didnt know when it would.

Now that it is here let me start by saying that the movie was amazing. I dont usually pay for movie tickets I usually wait till it comes out on dvd and then my friends and I rent it and watch but for this movie I just couldnt wait. The movie is set 1 year exactly after the first; Iron Man is ridiculously famous and the government wants his suit so they can protect America but common everyone know why they really want it. As the movie progresses you find out in more detail about Tony's current situation which isnt looking good after about a hour of him screwing up he is soon visited by the Marvel fairy and given a chance to fix his current predicament. Soon after the fireworks start and the movie (corny as it may sound) kicks it into overdrive. Just like anygood movie Iron Man 2 has its highs and lows in its story and plot lines but all in all it was an amazing movie and I hope you take the time to go see it and enjoy it...

Also stay tuned for reviews on Lost Planet 2,Red Dead Redemption, and Prince of persia the forgotten sands.

Until next time geeks...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Alan Wake Game Review

Alan Wake!!! What can I say about this game, The story is you are a famous writer name….wait for it Alan Wake and you are with your wife Alice and you are on vaction and everything is fine until someone mysteriously took your wife and your job is to find out who done it…. Or is it what done it? Alan Wake unravels the mystery of the town fighting god knows what. Reminds me of an X File six part episode movie, which is great if you are into that type of genre. The character design and development are made good to the point where once you get into this game you can’t stop until you find out what got Alice.

Overall the presentation is the Graphics has a lot of detail especially the lighting effects used on this game is top notch and extremely useful because Alan Wake’s flashlight in the game is basically a light saber to a Jedi., the sound effects are also top notch and if you are like me into deep effects and immersion of sound in every angle of the room then Alan Wake does not disappoint. The Game play of Alan Wake reminds me of Alone Dark Meets Max Payne in a no holds bard in Silent Hill Valleys. They combat system ala Max Payne’s bullet time is not as extreme but the way they portrayed in this game is very entertaining against the forces of darkness. Like I said before your flashlight is one of your main and important weapons but also flares is essential in your arsenal which stun and hold back your enemies but also chip away the shadowy armor once the pieces of shadow is take away from the enemy you can switch to real weapons like a shotgun, there is also a doge action but you really have to be on your toes to use it since most of the enemies are fast. The only downsize is the camera when controlling your character, since you are in the forest the majority of the time the shadow atmosphere might block your vision when attacking or dodging the shadow enemies. Don’t get me wrong this game is not all dark all the time you will be going through the day meeting with town folk drive from point A to point b, so the game won’t bore you. There are also a lot of hidden items and collectibles in the game to help you on your quest. There are also interactive areas around you like watching Night Springs which is a parody of The Twilight Zone which provides more immersion of the game which I recommend if you are going to play Alan Wake.

Overall the game if fun if your into this type of genre it has the suspense, thrills, humor of a good paranoia game and plays to me like a TV show. If we add the same elements and 2 player coop with bad ass characters we could have a good Super Natural Video game, but hey that s just me, until next time geeks.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Marc Ecko + Starwars+ Timex = Something Casual for the Force In You

Hello Geeks i was checking out Ecko Ult. Website for some Stars Gear. Apparently a couple of days ago Ecko had a coupon for 25% off there Star Wars Line. so i was checking out the Boba Fett Hoodie when i found out that Ecko and Timex grouped togther and made watches for the Star Wars Line. So far 2 watches have been made up. Bobba Fett and Storom Trooper, they look pretty nice but Timex... when i was younger i had Timex because the led light for the watch was grade A class Geek, but now i might get the Bobba Fett one to go with my hoodie. LOL just missing the helmet. More to come here are some images for your tasting pleasure thanks to for the the hook up on images and their review on the watch. Sold Im buying one. Until next time geeks

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ubisoft confirms new Assassins Creed game.

Today Ubisoft confirmed what was sent to Kotaku the other day saying that Assassins Creed Brotherhood will be the next title in the series. Not much is known for now but what we do know is that Ezio Auditore will again be the main character in use. Enjoy the pic..

Until next time geeks.

Finally the Black Wii is coming to America..

Nintendo is finally bringing the Black Wii to the US better late then never I always say. The system will be combined with the wii motion plus and wii sports resort and Wii sports not bad for 199.99 if I dont say so myself.

Until next time geeks...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The sequal to one of the best Star Wars games gets a release date..

October 26th is the official release date for Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2. In my opinion the best star wars game since knights of the old republic. Republic Commandos was good too but this game takes the cake. One of the most memorable scenes from the first game was bringing down the star destroyer. I hope something like that will be in this game but one can only hope as I know more about the game and as screen shots surface I will all let you know more

First look at Thor..

I know that is info came out on friday but it came out when quitting time rolled around and nothing is going to keep me from my weekend. But here it is better late then never right...

Until next time geeks..

Assassins Creed Viral Marketing hit the facebook..

Looks like Ubisoft is getting ready for some news for the Next Assassins Creed game lets hope it is sooner then later..

Ghost of Sparta your PSP

News from the underground…..well from PS3, apparently a new God of war Game is coming to psp, check it out

the new game is based on how Kratos got his tattoo and such. If you have finished God of War 3 with a Platinum trophy it gives you a website where everyone who had finished the game on the top right corner the Sparta Symbol is there with red blood going around the emblem. Back then it was empty but today it is completely filled. Hence the new game is emerging. Stay tuned, while we find more info

Monday, May 3, 2010

Downey Jr. In NYC

Robert Downey Jr. was in NYC on the 29th last month promoting the movie. He visted some lucky children at a local hospital in Brooklyn and the funny thing was my mother was there from what she tells me all the children had fun and he gave them all Iron Man Masks which they all enjoyed.. here is a pic of what he signed for each of the children..

Halo Reach comes out with 3 versions

Hello Fellow Geeks!

This just in Halo Reach is coming and of course Bungie Studios is providing 3 different versions of the game ala Halo 3 edition way back when. Gamestop provided more details and images of the legendary edition which can be seen here
looks like there will be no replica master chief gun to go with your master chief helmet as some speculated but this is just as good here are the specs:

The Halo Reach Legendary Edition comes with:
• Halo Reach Game
• Game Disc in custom case modeled after a recovered ONI data module”
• A custom in-game Elite armor set for use in Reach’s multiplayer modes.
• Artifact Bag containing a brand-new piece of the extended Halo universe: The personal notes and documents of the creator of the SPARTAN program: Dr. Catherine Halsey.
• Dr. Halsey’s ONI Security Badge.
• Embroidered Spartan II Patch.
• Noble Team statue expertly crafted by the artisans at McFarlane Toys. Individually molded, hand-painted and individually numbered, this statue is a must-have for any serious “Halo” fan
• UNSC-themed custom packaging.
• An exclusive in-game Spartan armor effect.

Now for the people who don't want to pay a huge chunk of change, mind you legendary edition cost $149.99 the second edition (Limited Edition) cost $79.99 and here is the specs:

The Halo Reach Limited Edition comes with:
  • Halo Reach Game
  • Game Disc in custom case modeled after a recovered ONI data module”
  • A custom in-game Elite armor set for use in Reach’s multiplayer modes.
  • Artifact Bag containing a brand-new piece of the extended Halo universe: The personal notes and documents of the creator of the SPARTAN program: Dr. Catherine Halsey.
  • Dr. Halsey’s ONI Security Badge.
  • Embroidered Spartan II Patch.

I will be reserving this since im a big fan of the story, multiplier not some much because I suck at the game lol. Anyway more to come, have a good one out there geeks. Keep it Real!!!