Thursday, November 1, 2012

Metal Gear Rising Revengence Demo Review.

Back in 1999 when Zone of the Enders was released one of the big selling points for the game was that Konami included a Demo for Metal Gear Solid 2. Fast forward 12 years and with the release of the Z.O.E Hd collection comes a new demo for a new Metal Gear game.

 The demo of Metal Gear Rising starts out with a small tutorial if you choose to play it. After the 5 min tutorial you get a small prologue and some great cinematics shortly after you are on an Island and you are ambushed by some invisible cyborgs.

The Graphics on this demo are amazing much like any metal gear game. The are very immpressive even though it is just a demo. The controls a fairly simple X for a hard attack and y for a wide attack. If you would like to use the free blade mode you just hold down the left trigger. 

The demo itself is pretty long and ends with an boss fight all in all this demo is pretty good and if it is a taste of what is too come i am so looking forward to the game. Metal Gear Rising is set to be released in early 2013..

Until Next Time Geeks...

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