Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I miss Nintendo part 2

I'm back deal with it.

So one of my earlier post was about how I was disenfranchised about how Nintendo was handling the Wii and may do the same thing with its successor the WiiU. I'm sad to say that my prediction seem to likely be coming true. From what Nintendo has shown and from what those who have used the WiiU have said this may put Nintendo even further into the hole they've dug themselves in. I'm going to not buy the WiiU at launch next month. I have no reason to divert any funds that I was saving for the holiday season for another Nintendo paperweight.

I was listening to the Indoor Kids podcast on the Nerdist network the other day, and Kumail Nanjiani was talking about how he went to a Nintendo event to use the WiiU. I was hoping his review would be positive but it wasn't. It even disappointed him to have to say it. Listen to the episode yourself as it's a good show. But the main point he made was the while playing Batman: Arkham City the graphics didn't look as good the Xbox 360 or PS3. You have to be kidding right. Kumail has been playing games for a long time so if he says something looks bad I take his word for it.

While I may not be looking forward to it I'm sure Nintendo doesn't care what anyone with a negative thought about their next console has to say. After all the Wii sold close to one hundred million Wiis worldwide since 2006. It surpassed the Xbox360 which had a one year head start. It was not even close to the processing power of the PlayStation 3. So what should they have to worry about for the WiiU.

The thing that I keep coming back Nintendo on is their being delusional. To think that putting out games that are nearly or over one year old on other consoles as new again is delusional. To stay with the same online formula, but saying it will only be tweaked is delusional. To say that your new games launch window is between the launch date and sixth months afterward is delusional. To try to sell a game console with some toy version of an iPad as innovative is creative. But to make no must have game to take advantage of that creativity and still think it can sell a console is delusional.

I'll eventually buy one when the next Zelda or Metroid game come. There's no point in hoping for a Kid Icarus or Jet Force Gemini sequel on a home console from Nintendo anymore. I would hope that Nintendo is putting out this new console ahead of their competition so that when those launch are coming out Nintendo would be rolling along with top quality, triple A titles. I would be deluding myself if I believed that to be true. And if there's one thing I've learned from this past console generation is that dealing with Nintendo can make you miss the old days of Nintendo.


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