Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And it finally happens.

Mimobot the worlds leading manufacturer of character designed USB thumbdrives has done it again. Early this year they started to make DC character modeled thumbdrives. Their first run was Batman both the old school and the modern. Along with Batman came the normal DC characters that would appear in the series. Today though in honor of the movie they released Green Lantern. This run in their line of DC mimobots features 4 of the characters in the comic. Which include Hal Jordan,Kilowag,Sinestro and Tomar-re. The mimobots come is fashions of 2,4,8, and 16 gigabyte models. They go on sale today so if you are a collector like I am head on over to mimobot.com and grab them while you can..

Untill Next Time Geeks...

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