Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dead Space 2 Review.

EA and Visceral games released Dead Space in Oct. 2008. It was an amazing survival horror game that could stand up to such greats as Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Everyone loved it, it had all the things you could enjoy and when you were done playing it left you wondering if stuff was going to pop out in your home.

Almost 3 years later EA and Visceral games are at it again with the release of Dead Space 2. The game takes place 3 years after the first. Issac Clarke yet again has to deal with the necromorphs and instead of being on a simple mining ship you are on the Sprawl. This time not only do you have to deal with the necromorphs you have to deal with Issac's spiral into dementia. Also new to the sequel is the Multiplayer modes where 2 teams play as ether the necromorphs or humans. It is a great addition to the game. It is fun and very scary unless you are playing on the necro side. It will bring hours of gameplay to an already awesome game.

From what I have played the game is amazing. The lighting much like the first gives that amazing atmosphere that makes you worried about leaving your room in the middle of the night.
The game comes in 2 versions the collectors and and regular. The collectors edition comes with a not to scale replica Plasma Cutter along with the soundtrack and armor and a weapon for you to get in the game. Also if you have a save game from the first game on your console you get the original plasma cutter. There is no difference between the one you get in part 2 and the old one.

If you are a fan of Dead Space I will say get Dead Space 2 it is a great addition to anyones collection. I will say though dont get the collectors edition because you might be disappointed in some of the extras you get.

Also Stay tuned everyone Feb 15th,Feb 22nd,March 8th and March 27th are just around the corner. Watch for reviews of Marvel vs Capcom 3,Bulletstorm,Pokemon Black and White,and the New Nintendo 3ds.

Until Nextime Geeks.

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