Sunday, September 19, 2010

hello Fellow Geeks, another game review by yours truely. The sequel to the million-plus selling Dead Rising which was currently an exclusive to CBOX 360 at the time , Dead Rising 2 sees the player take on the role of a Motocross champion Chuck Greene, who has come to Fortune City, America's newest gambling paradise, to compete in this tv show called "Terror is Reality," a game show that does one thing to the contestant is to survive zombie-filled environments for big money prizes at the delight of TV audiences around the globe. What better way to exploit and make money in times of survival lol. Chuck's inspiration for taking part and risking life is his daughter Katey, who since being bitten by a zombie requires a daily dose of Zombrex a medicine that is used to prevent her from turning into one of the living dead. There's no denying that Zombrex works, but since it's the only drug on the market, its the price of a new lung. yes a new lung lol

During his time in Fortune City a zombie outbreak occurs and Chuck must survive the onslaught of the undead for 3 Days. Pitted against two fearsome threats - tens of thousands of zombies and the constant countdown of the clock - while potentially rescuing other survivors of the zombie apocalypse, players must also unravel the greater conspiracy behind the outbreak and as importantly find the Zombrex necessary to stop Katey from joining the ever growing zombie horde. Players will shoot, stab, carve and drive their way through enemies in order to beat the clock and survive 72-hours in the darkly comedic, no holds-barred confines of Fortune City.

Dead Rising may have been the game to start the Zombie killing craze back in 2006, released on the Xbox 360, Capcom sold a ton of copies of this exclusive action adventure/survival horror game on the less than a year old Xbox 360. Deemed a commercial success, Dead Rising pitted protagonist Frank West against hordes of zombies, in what seemed to be a never ending swarm of slowly moving targets that could be dispatched by a wide array of weaponry to be found all around and including your surroundings.

Much of the gameplay in Dead Rising 2 remains the same. Gone is West in the new campaign, replaced with Chuck Greene an ex motocross champ and current Terror is Reality champion, a game show that revolves around the slaughtering of zombies. Much of the mechanics remain the same in DR2 which is not bad it is very familiar with some added stuff of course Greene will fight off zombie hordes while accomplishing specific missions. There seems to be a little more variety in the mission types, but the core time based mechanic remains intact. New to the series is the workshop, where Greene can build customized weaponry such as a nail spiked baseball bat, a paddlesaw, or even the freedom bear by purchasing or earning cards that unlock these combinations. Missions will have you slicing, shooting, smashing, and brawling your way to objectives that are either story moving, or saving trapped humans in the fictional Fortune City. Modeled after Las Vegas, Greene will find himself not only fighting for his survival but for his daughter who requires special medication every 24 hours. Another bit is Coop live play meaning one of your survivors you or your online buddy can control so you can be a bad ass team that you always wanted in the fight against Zombies.

A bit more meaty in the story department Dead Rising 2 is set five years after the events of the original Dead Rising. Having spread across the entire United States the parasite that caused the outbreak in Willamette there are very few unaffected humans in the fictional setting. The game begins with Chuck being a contestant in the Terror is Reality game show, which champions those that slaughter the most zombies in an allotted time period. The story sets off with the competition and shortly thereafter the escape of countless zombies now loose in Fortune City. As the story unfolds we learn of a plot to blame Green for the release of the outbreak in Fortune City, and Greene will also try to clear his name, and find out who is behind the conspiracy.

Overall the game is familiar now modes and new weapon combos are plus but feels a little slow paced kind of like the original so if you don't mind that it is all good but if your use to the left for dead series which is fast pace then this game is not for you. its a good game yes but to pay full price im kind of over the fence. but a good game overall

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