Sunday, September 27, 2009

What an Incredible 3 days...

The anime festival was pretty awesome this year if you got to go i hope you had fun. If you didn't I hope that you will get to go next year. Now on to some news that maybe good for some and bad for others. The Comic- Con and Anime Festival will be held at the same time most who attended the show knew that and for those whose first time it was to attend now you know and the more you know.

Also for those who didn't go in a couple of days I will be posting a some pics of all the cool cosplayers.

Until Next Time Geeks.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Let's try this again.

I know it has been quite some time since my last update to E.G.F.G and for that I am sorry. With work and school everything is a little hectic. I promise you though that any moment I have I will be updating. you with the most recent information on anything geek and awesome. For example the NYC Anime Festival that is this weekend at the Jacob Javitz Center.

It starts Spetember 25 and goes to the 27h I hope you can attend.
Also if you are in the NY area staying for the festival or already here in the city you can attend the pre-party at Dave & Busters 42nd st. the party is open to the public. Also Charm City Cakes is making the birthday cake. If interested it is from 5:30 to 7:30 there will be prizes given away at certain times.,, So goodluck to those who attend.

Utill Next Time Geeks......