Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Coffee Table of the Dead. A first time furniture Review.

Now here at EGFG I dont usually post reviews for something like this but I just got this in the mail and I thought that I should since A: It is pure awseome. and B:The Walking Dead season finale just aired a week ago. 

Back in October I was at NYCC. An I stumbled upon a company calle Hero Complex Collectibles. They are a website based company that sells collectibles and other good. While at their NYCC booth something awesome caught my eye and it was this table. This custom table with a collage of The Walking Dead comics. 

Let me start by saying that this is a custom job all the way you can get it in any form that you want I choose to buy a small bedside table for my bedroom. An I have to say it came out better then I thought it would not that I expected it to come out bad but I didn't think that the pictures would engulf the whole table but they did. The table build is really sturdy you wont have to worry about it crumbling under the weight of whatever you put on it. 

Lets get to the table top from what Mr. Mike Ruddy told me. The process for making this is pretty cool as well he starts out by pooling old TPB (Trade Paperback) of The Walking Dead so that the table has a collage that goes together. Shortly after when everything is done setting A clear archrilic is put on it so that it is water proof and the images will not come off. 

All in all I am delighted with my purchase. An this is not their only flavor of table it also comes in DC and Marvel flavors. I am also looking into buying a Marvel table. If you are interested in picking up one of your own click on one of the pictures and it will link you to the site. 

Until Next Time Geeks...   

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