Thursday, January 19, 2012

Great athletes are NERDS.

Its true when you think about it. Look at athlete of the past 50 years that have achieved a level of greatness and respect in their career you'll find a nerd. By nerd I mean someone who learns as much as they can about their sport and uses that knowledge to succeed in that sport. So yes, I'm calling Michael Jordan a nerd, a basketball nerd, but a nerd none the less. LeBron James not so much, especially in the playoffs, in the fourth quarter.

Someone like Tiger Woods who is said to be near obsessive about his golf game is a nerd. Maybe not the same kind of nerd he was 5 years ago. I bet if you asked him why he plays a hole the way he does he wouldn't give you a simple answer. Jimmy Johnson is a NASCAR nerd, even though it's hard to imagine being a nerd making left turns all day. But the concentration needed to make those left turns at over 200mph. All while in a field of others nerds doing the same things is insane. Dale Jr. isn't yet as much of a nerd as his father was but he's getting there.

Whether it's a physically demanding sport like basketball. Or a mental battle like NASCAR nerds are proving  that even though on the outside they do not look nerdy in their sport it's all nerd. Maybe not every athlete but successful athletes sure have a lot of nerd qualities. Those I'll leave for you the reader to debate among yourselves. Peyton Manning master class in nerd returning in 2012?

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