Monday, October 3, 2011

Dark Souls The Review.

I know  that it is early but I was able to get my hands on a copy thanks to a early ship from That is why  love that site..

Back in 2010 Namco released a PS3 exclusive called Demon Souls. I personally didnt get to play this game but I heard great things about it and at the same time I heard terrible things about it and I was kinda turned off to it. Fast forwards 2 years and Namco and is releasing Dark Souls...

This sequel to Demon Souls is something that many have been waiting for. I know I was one of them when I heard that this was coming out since it was going to be on PS3 as well as the 360...
After playing the game for about 5 hours I have to say that it is pretty good if you like the first one you will love this one but like everyone and I mean everyone is saying be prepared to die and die a lot. In the time that I have been playing I have kept count of all the times I have died in the game and I have died about 40 times in 5 hours some may say that is not be but some will also say that it is not good.

I didnt believe this till I got to play the actual game but for all the hardwork all the timing all the practice blows and all the deaths you do get some rewards some maybe weapons and some maybe magic but most of the time like any good RPG it is most of the time weapons..

Unlike the first game this time the world is open there is no hub to go to choose what worlds you want to goto everything is all linked together it. For me it was kinda hard getting used to the the map but you will slowly and surely get used to the map like I did.

Dark Souls to me is not the amazing game that everyone says it is dont get me wrong if you liked Demon Souls you will love this game. If i had to give this game a number out of 10 I would give it a 9. Not I like the game but because the game was good but I just wasnt feeling it and that was mainly because of the controls you mainly play the game like a first person shooter left is the eyes right is the legs. but the bumpers on top are the attacks and the triggers are the parry and defense. Honestly after 5 hours of playing I still cant enjoy it..

Again I will say it is great if you like the first game and much like other games like this it will be talked about until a next gen of systems comes out and much like ICO and Shadow of Colossus it will stand the test of time..

Stay tune for my review Rage..

Until Next Geeks..    

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