Saturday, October 30, 2010

Star Wars The Forced Unleashed 2..

What can I say about Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2. I know I can say that its predecessor was extremely awesome everything about it was epic from the story to the graphics. I am sorry to say that the same can not be said for the sequel. The sequel is like watching the second trilogy after watching the first. It is mediocre in every way and when it is finished. You cant help but think to your self why did I just do that why did I sit down and play this when I actually can be outside doing something better.. I will say though that the little mimobot extra you get with the game is awesome.. I really enjoy it and am happy that I can add it to my collection.. All in all though if you have sometime to kill before say going to a party or a wedding rent this game and beat it yeah I said it beat it. After that return it and try to get your money back hell even scratch it a little that would do the world some justice. I will say buy it if you really want the mimobot but rent it if you want to kill sometime and braincells. Stay tuned though for my reviews of the long awaited fable 3,fallout new vegas and Rockband 3 along with Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 2. That and I know much like me you guys cant wait to get your hands on Call of duty blackops when I do get my hands on it though. Stay tuned for an awesome review that wont be classified(I know corny but what can I say...)

Until Next Time Geeks...

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