Thursday, August 26, 2010

This is our 100th Post..

I know it has been a while since Mel and I posted something but trust me the wait was so worth it. This my friends is the 100th post and being that it is our 100th post Mel and I are doing something special. We are holding a contest yes that is right folks a contest. This will be our first ever "Make Us Laugh Contest". All you have to do is leave a comment saying something funny be it a story a joke or a picture. We will look at all the posts and then Mel and I will pick the one we find the funniest. And trust me the prize all in itself will be awesome..

On to other things since we haven't posted in a couple of days lets talk about some of the things that have happened in the geek world lately. First September 7th apple will be holding an event to possibly show off their new models for the Ipod Touch and Ipod Classic. This sounds credible though because apple in known for doing things like this in early September it is sort of the Apple norm.

Second Mafia 2 was released this week. I was a avid fan of Mafia on the xbox so I had to go pick up this game. It is an awesome game the story mode is great and all the guns and driving make it worth while. What I do not like though is being in a sandbox world and not being to able to play with the sand. That is the biggest drawback in this game. So if you are a fan of the GTA series I suggest you dont get this game because of all the plotted courses. Kane and Lynch 2 is also out it came out last week on August 16th and it is not bad much like the first the game is centered around co-op play and multiplayer. I will say do not get this game if you are planning to play it by yourself. You will get bored really quickly and end up trying to sell the game or return it. If you do play online and enjoy getting screamed at by little punks with mics you will love this game and it will be a great fix for Halo till Reach comes out..

It is the end of August and school is starting soon. But with the end of the summer comes the beginning of the gaming holiday first on the list are 2 games that I have been watching since I saw the previews at the videogame awards. Halo Reach is scheduled for release on September 14th. This is going to be the last Halo title from Bungie so expect to be amazed. The second is Star Wars the Force unleashed 2. This title is set to be released October 26th. If you liked the first in the series you are going to love this. With multiple changes and a great new story line to be added to the story ark of Star Wars this is going to be very enjoy able.

This has been a great summer full of releases and new on top comic movies and absolutely not least the Iphone 4. September is rearing it's ugly head so I suggest that you have fun while you can now and enter our contest as soon as you can for a really awesome prize.

The last day to enter the contest is Midnight on Spetember 7th. So please enter and try to make us laugh..

Until Next Time Geeks....


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

always stand up when you go afk on an MMORPG